Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

16 April 2024

How to make the most of P-Mates P-Matesの歩き方

The group newsletter P-Mates, which has been published over 100 times, contains a lot of information about Polyplastics. So this time, we’ve summarized the articles that newcomers should read first! You’ll find the outline of Polyplastics from this article. Please use the information for your understanding. 100回以上にわたって発行してきたグループ報P-Matesには、ポリプラのことが分かる内容がたくさんストックされています。そこで今回、新たにポリプラに入社(転籍)された方にまず読んでほしい記事をまとめてみました! ポリプラがどんな会社か、このまとめ記事を読めば基本的な情報がまるわかり!ぜひご活用ください。



Things to know with explanation of difficult terms (‘23-25 Mid-Term Business Plan Revised!)

Best way to catch the key points of our Mid-Term Business Plan! You’ll understand the direction that we are heading.




’24 Capacity Expansion At a glance

The large-scale facility investments outlined in our Mid-Term Business Plan are summarized.




Startup guide of the New “Polyplastics Commitment”

In the fiscal year 2023, we introduced the “DAICEL Group Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards.” Consequently, we updated its guidebook, “Polyplastics Commitment” as well. Here, we’re summarizing the key points of the new ” Polyplastics Commitment.”




Ready to Start Global Employee Info. Master

We’re summarizing Polyplastics’ human resources strategy and the newly introduced personnel data management system.



Medical POM commercialized (PM series)!

POM is our main product. In 2023, medical POM was newly commercialized!




Efforts to realize “Biomass-derived LCP” are accelerating! Introducing its groundbreaking points!

We are now moving forward to produce biomass-derived LCP which has been considered difficult to realize!




Awesome!! “PEK” -Videos and Interviews

PEK is newly added to the product-lineup in 2023. We will explain what kind of features it has by using videos!




Let’s see how DURAST™ is molded, by video!

Here’s another new lineup DURAST, which is a powdered engineering plastic. It might be difficult to imagine how it’s molded, so in this article, we show you a video!


We have introduced past articles until now, but we reintroduce P-Mates itself for newcomers. ここまで過去の記事を紹介してきましたが、そもそもP-Mates自体初めてという方もいると思いますので、改めてP-Matesについて紹介します!

Introduction of P-Mates P-Mates の紹介

P-Mates is a web internal magazine aimed at enhancing internal communication within the Polyplastics Group.
There are regular issues published once every three months and timely issues published irregularly.

Information of each corner 各コーナーについて

P-Mates has four corners:

Special: This corner features information, news, and particularly important messages relevant to the entire group. Please check it out at first!
Updates: This section introduces the current status in each group company. You can find news about your own company or any other company you’re interested in.
Culture: Each group company posts on common themes in this corner. It’s a great opportunity to learn about different cultures from different country or region.
Share: In this corner, anyone in Polyplastics Group can post a photo related to common themes. The themes for submissions are posted on the Group Bulletin Board DB, so please check it out for details.


Function Information 機能紹介

We hope you’ll continue to use P-Mates! ぜひ今後もP-Matesを活用してくださいね!


Written by Miho Chida / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Game