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16 March 2022

Interview with Executive Officers on MTP #Extra issue
Omnibus of “Interview with Executive Officers on Mid-Term Business Plan” Let’s look back at all stories with keywords chosen by Editorial Team! 編集チームが選んだキーワードで振り返る!「役員が語る中計」各回のポイントまとめ

How was the Special Series “Interview with Executive Officers on Mid-Term Business Plan (MTP)” in P-Mates, which was serially published 10 times and completed at the end of February?
We would be pleased if this Series could deepen your understanding on the MTP more than before.
However, it was one-year long series, so you may have forgotten what they were talking about in the past issue.
So, we will look back at 10 articles with each keyword chosen by the Editorial Team (on its own discretion and prejudice)!

In MTP, the enhancement of production capacity of Polyplastics has become a major topic, and the role of production sites is becoming increasingly important. Sanada-san talked that work practices will be reformed at production sites, in order to improve the engagement of those working there.
This innovation is aimed at achieving both the reduction of human burden and the promotion of human growth.
The keys to its success are DX (digital transformation) , production innovation through synergy with Daicel, as well as the visualization of growth and the realization of a mechanism that let them to realize their own growth.

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

China, where the many manufacturing sites of world’s manufacturers gather, as it is called “World’s Factory,” holds an important part in the global development of Polyplastics in the future. Taki-san talked about such future strategies and initiatives in China. More specifically, Polyplastics will address the following two major issues.

①Support the expansion of market share in Europe and Americas outlined in MTP through approaches to European and American companies based in China.

②In anticipation of the planned expansion of POM, LCP, and COC under the MTP, prepare for and expand sales of these products in the local market of China, the world’s largest consuming region of them.

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

Goto-san, General Manager of Corporate Strategy Division, talked in detail about the background of the update of MTP in 2021 and the word “Synergy with Daicel” which was incorporated as a result of this update. In order to make it easier to image “what is synergy”, specific examples have also been shown!
On the basis of this, he talked about that executives (including Goto san) of Daicel and Polyplastics have held a great deal of debate on how the two companies with totally different corporate cultures will work together, and at the end of the discussion, we have incorporated this “synergy with Daicel” in our MTP.
経営戦略本部 本部長の後藤さんには、2021年に中計がアップデートされた経緯と、そのアップデートにともない盛り込まれた「ダイセルとのシナジー」という言葉について詳しく語っていただきました。シナジーとは具体的にはどういうことなのかをもう少しイメージしやすくするため、具体例も明示していただきました!

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

Ohishi san, General Manager of Production Div., talked about that Production Div. will make following two efforts in order to realize the large-scale facility expansion plans for each resin in MTP.

①Strengthening and standardization of Fundamental technologies for multiple plant constructions (incorporating the method of Daicel production innovation, specializes in this point)

②Smartification and Digitalization to prepare for changes in work practices such as telework, and reduction in work practices in production sites in the future


We have received a message from Ohishi-san that “these measures are aimed at the next era, including the achievement of the MTP, so I would like you to understand that these measures are necessary in the long term, although you may sometimes become anxious when viewing from short-term perspective”.
In addition, we have heard his deep talk about the attitude toward working on these issues!

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

Matsushima-san, General Manager of Innovation and Business Development Division, talked about the mission of his division.
Specifically, the missions are to create the new added value by 2 types of projects (Fine Powder Project and PEK Project) and to develop more detailed services and advanced development through DX (Digital transformation) which will be promoted by ICT Planning & Coordination Department.
In order for Polyplastics to become the No.1 solution provider of engineering plastics, it is necessary for us to be active in a wider range in addition to the growth in our existing business areas, and it is necessary for our customers to think “Let’s try to consult with Polyplastics first”. He talked that “in order to become such company, we will take these new approaches”!
具体的には「ファインパウダープロジェクト」と「PEKプロジェクト」で新しい事業をスタートさせて新たな付加価値を創造すること、そしてICT企画統括部では事業の進め方を刷新するDX(Digital transformation)を進め、よりきめ細やかなサービスや高度な開発を可能にすること、この2つです。

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

Katsumata-san, General Manager of Research & Development Division, talked that “I would like R&D Division members to address the following four measures that R&D will take to realize the MTP, having the confidence that your work surely support future society in ten years’ time, sense of ownership, and challenging spirit .” 研究開発本部長の勝亦さんからは、研開本部の皆さんに対し、「10年後の社会を支える仕事なのだという自信と自負、当事者意識とチャレンジ精神を持って、中計の実現に向けて研開で行う以下4つのことに取り組んでいただきたい」との熱いお言葉を頂きました。

4 things to be tackled by R&D Div.
① Development of technologies for creating new businesses
② Strengthening Global TS Network
③ Expanding the share in the leading-edge technologies markets
④ Latest technological innovations aimed at expanding market scale
②Global TS体制の強化 

In addition Katsumata-san gave a message by looking back on the “significance of MTP, which was sometimes difficult to realize in the situation where the supply was very tight and many people were busy with daily work. And he talked that “In order to achieve the goals of MTP, it is essential that each employee incorporates MTP into your businesses at each workplace. In that sense, it can be said that MTP is formulated and implemented by each individual”! さらに、供給が非常にタイトで日々の業務に多くの方が追われる状況の中、実感しづらくなっていた「中計の意義」も改めて振り返っていただき、「従業員の皆さんが各現場での業務に中計の目標を落とし込んでいくことが必要なので、『中計は一人一人が策定し、実行するもの』とも言える」とも語って下さいました!

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We chose two keywords in this article.
Each of these is a keyword regarding the following two issues that Marketing and Sales development Division is working on with anticipation of the capacity expansion in MTP.

①Market development (Application development)
In growing markets such as automotive field, electronic device field, and medical fields etc., we will accurately capture the needs of our customers and provide solutions by utilizing our in-house resources. This is the activity that can be regarded as the essence of Polyplastics-Way.

②Market development for customers in Europe, the U.S., China, and South Korea
We aim to strengthen relationships not only with Japanese customers, but also with non-Japanese customers. To achieve that, national staffs will take important rolls.


Then, we received his message that “As Sales division will share the needs of the customers, I would like each division and each employee to work together with us while aiming the targets of the MTP and while communicating across the departments”! そして、「営業本部としてはお客様からのニーズを社内に伝えていくので、各部門・各自の皆さんは、中計の目標を意識しながら、そして部門を越えたコミュニケーションを取りながら協力してほしい」というメッセージもいただきました!

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

The keyword of this article which we chose is also “Single Source of Truth”!
Of the eight strategies outlined in MTP, Supply Chain Division is heavily involved in “strengthening Global Supply system.” DX of operations is essential for “sophistication of production planning, sales, and inventory control to respond immediately to demand trends” field of these strategies, and the keyword for realizing DX is “realization of the only reliable source of information (Single Source of Truth).”
This word is commonly used in the IT industry. When we apply this concept to Polyplastics, it means “to centrally manage the data which should be globally unified within whole Polyplastics Group as a master data” and “ to create the circumstances that anyone can share the latest information about daily transactions and related matters at any time, instead of transferring the information through human chain system”. He has also introduced the business innovations that SC Division worked on in order to achieve this!
記事タイトルにも出しましたが、この回のキーワードはやはり「Single Source of Truth」にしました!
SC本部は中計の8つの方針のうち「Global Supply体制の強化」に大きく関わりますが、その中でも「需要動向に即応する生産計画・販売・在庫コントロールの高度化」の部分に関しては業務のDX化が必須であり、このDX化実現に向けてのキーワードが「信頼できる唯一の情報源(Single Source of Truth)の実現」だというお話でした。

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

Yoneda-san, General Manager of Corporate Support Division, talked that Corporate Support Division will work to strengthen Human resources and Engagement for achieving this MTP.
Every business is run by people (employee), so it’s important that many employees work with high engagement as the foundation of the company. (Higher engagement = employees are actively involved in organization and work, and are making voluntary efforts)
There was also a message that the contribution of Corporate Support function is essential to the success of the expansion plans of plants under MTP. For example, various types of application procedures required to create a new company, design of an organization, development of regulations and rules, and the recruitment and training of human resources are the roles of the Corporate Support Division. He said he would like you to take pride in the fact that you play an important role in these fields!

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら

As the final article of this series, Shiwaku-san talked that in addition to the three major policy targets, new environmental targets (GHG reduction targets) have been added in MTP. He also talked that, in addition to reducing GHG, we will also work on to make our products more sustainable as our environmental response, and we can expect Daicel to take environmental measures.
In order to realize a future society, advanced technologies are necessary, and engineering plastics are required to achieve these. In that sense, engineering plastics are essential materials for a future society. However, in order for engineering plastics to be truly accepted by future societies, the hurdles of new environmental targets need to be overcame.
We have also received a strong message from Shiwaku-san that we will aim to become a truly needed presence from future society above this hurdle.

Click here for the full article➡記事全文はこちら


Written by Ami Kanbe (Akutagawa) / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Painting, Traveling, Reading books (including Japanese Manga!)… etc!