The largest value and smallest value currency of your country  /


PPC (Japan)

The unit of currency in Japan is the yen.

PAPS,PMI (Singapore, India)

Indian Rupee:"wrought silver, a coin of silver"

PCL (Hong Kong)

$1000 Banknote VS $10 cents coin

PMT (Thailand)

From 25 Stang coin to 1,000 Baht Bank Note.

PTM (China)

What can we buy in Nantong with 10 cent or 100 yuan?

PTSL,PSL (China)

"YI JIAO"&“100 YUAN”

PSL branch SZ (China)


PTW (Taiwan)

The largest value and smallest value currency of Taiwan

PAP (Malaysia)

Malaysian Smallest Value Coin and Largest Value Paper Money

LCPG (Germany)

The EURO – a symbol for a united Europe

PKL (Korea)

Paper Currency Features Notable Woman, Coins Reflect History