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Cat or Leopard?

From the contributor:Mr.Haruyasu Itoh
We have a pet cat at our house with leopard spotted fur.
She’s a Bengal cat and her name is Galucia.
Galucia has a wild personality to match her wild leopard appearance. She isn’t the kind of cat who would ever sit on your lap.

From the editor:
Galucia has beautifully patterned fur and projects a very refined and graceful aura. And I imagine that she is also as swift as a leopard.

My Fire Dartfish

From the contributor:Mr.Kazuki Nauchi(PPC)
When I was a student at the university I happened to see a picture in a book of a beautiful aquarium with water plants and I thought I’d like to try to make one. That was what got me started raising freshwater aquarium fish.
Later, influenced by a friend of mine in the laboratory who raises saltwater fish, I got a saltwater aquarium, too.
Filtering, lighting, and other things that are necessary to keep an aquarium in good condition are a lot of trouble, but I’m hoping to add more fish and coral to my aquariums.

Fire Dartfish - A species of dartfish whose beautiful coloring is white at the head and gradually shades into reddish-orange at the tail.

The sight of it peeking out from behind a rock and looking around is endearing and puts me in a mellow mood!

From the editor:
This is a splendid aquarium fish with a touch of the mysterious about it. Raising aquarium fish must be hard because it involves not only taking care of the fish but also the coral and other things in their environment. But in spite of that, I hope you keep adding to your aquariums. Imagine coming home tired from work and there’s a little fish poking its head out from behind a rock! What would you say to it?

Legendary Birds

From the contributor: Ms.Keiko Okamoto(PPC)
Our shell grass parakeets have unusual names.

Bontenmaru (female), 3 yrs. old: This is the name of Date Masamune (a legendary warrior and leader of Japan) when he was young. (Shell grass parakeet)
 She got sick but came through a big operation and is all well again now. She’s not a tomboy but a tombird. The photo shows the stitch marks from her operation.

Iroha (female), age unknown: The name of Date Masamune’s daughter. (Shell grass parakeet)
 We adopted Iroha after she got lost and was recovered by the police. Iroha doesn’t like people but now she’s loosened up a little. She still bites pretty hard, though.

From the editor:
The parakeet who came through the big operation equal in strength to her historical namesake is without doubt a big-league bird. She’s sure to live a long and healthy life. I imagine there are a lot of people in the Polyplastics Group overseas who have pet parakeets. If we run another feature article of this sort, please be sure to drop us a line about Your Unique Pet.

“EMMA”- a Giant Schnauzer

From the contributor:Ms.Julia Ochel
Emma belongs to our LCPG-Logistic employee Julia Ochel. She was born on 13. June 2009 living on a farm in the near of Lutherstadt Eisleben which is about 50 km away from Leuna. Her job is to be a guard dog.

Besides of that she likes to hike (when she can decide by herself about the direction!) being part of the family, playing ball and she can: Read a newspaper and have dinner together with Julia on one table:
Emma as well can “give paw” on advise saying hello – but only to welcome guests. She is a star in her hometown –below picture had been published in the regional newspaper.

From the editor:
You have a dog in your home who is clever enough to be written about in the local newspaper, so she must be a dependable member of the family who you all rely on! Dogs and people are good companions for each other. We hope you’ll develop more of Emma’s talents in the future.

Fish and Good Fortune

From the contributor:Ms.Amanda Liu(PTW)
I have been keeping tiny multicolored fish as a pet since 2012. The reason why we have a tank of fresh-water fishes is the kids have been annoying me to have clownfish as a pet impressed by the movie “Finding Nemo”.

Second, it’s believed that “water” brings wealth based on the Chinese philosophic system of “Feng Shui”. So, we visited the aquarium store to buy little fishes and prepare the water tank and waterweed as a fish home. It’s so appealing. I couldn’t take my eyes off these little fishes. I have no idea what kind of fish they are. Although I haven’t experienced the results of good fortune the water tank made, these little colorful fishes create a peaceful atmoshere in my home by watching them freely swimming to and fro!

From the editor:
I wouldn’t have thought that there was a connection between pets and feng shui. I hope these little fish and your daughter bring a flow of good fortune into your home. It must be expensive and a lot of work to have tropical fish as pets, but it’s my wish that your fish will be a source of relaxation for you and bring you good luck.

My House as a Mini-Zoo

From the contributor:Ms.Chao Jiang (PTM)
I make my apartment just like a mini-zoo, where live the tropical fish, sea fish, turtle and dog. I treat all of them as the member of my family, especially the dog (Lali). Lali is a kind of Labrador and become a member of my family in year 2012 when he is just one month. Since my daughter has no brothers or sisters and Lali is such an interactive dog, I wish she can treat Lali as a partner, and can grow up with the heartfull of love, to love the animal, nature and people.

From the editor:
Your house is a mini zoo! It certainly must be a unique house. Your daughter, surrounded by all those animals who love her, will surely grow up to be a person with a gentle heart and who is spiritually rich. Do you plan to add more animals in the future? If so, please be sure to let the P-Mates editorial team know!