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13 May 2024

Top 5 Most Read Articles! (2nd Half of FY2023) 最も読まれた記事トップ5をご紹介!(2023年度下期ver)

At P-Mates, we publish over 60 articles annually. Among them, we’re highlighting the top 5 articles that were accessed the most in the second half of FY2023 (October 2023 – March 2024)!
Are there any articles you have missed? Please take this opportunity to look back and catch up!
見逃している記事はありませんか? ぜひこの機会に振り返ってみてください!

1st Place: New Year’s Greeting 1位:2024年 新年の抱負

This article, featuring New Year’s greetings from Polyplastics CEO Miyamoto-san and MDs/presidents of group companies, took the top spot!
They talk about their aspirations for the development and growth of each company, including the plant expansion, the synergy of the Daicel Group, and transform their organization.
→Click here for the full article!

2nd Place: Medical POM commercialized (PM series)! 2位:医療POMが事業化(PMシリーズ)へ!

The Medical POM PM Series was newly commercialized as part of our portfolios.
This commercialization is a key step for Polyplastics, which aims to expand market-share in Europe and the United States!
The article introduces the challenges to enter the medical field, which requires advanced quality control and compliance with various regulations and standards.
Click here for the full article!
ポリプラの新たなポートフォリオとして事業化された医療用POM PMシリーズ。

3rd Place: 1st Place in the EV Class! Nagoya University Formula Team’s Success supported by DURACON®POM 3位:EV部門で1位を獲得!名古屋大学フォーミュラチームの活躍を支えるDURACON®POM

Nagoya University Formula Team is one of strong student teams that designs and builds racing machines to win the overall championship in the Formula competition for students. Polyplastics supports their activities by providing DURACON as a material for the machines!
This article introduces the Nagoya University Formula Team and reports on how DURACON are used for their components.
Click here for the full article!
名古屋大学フォーミュラチームは、学生フォーミュラ大会での総合優勝を目指してレーシングマシンを設計、製作している強豪チームです。ポリプラはマシンの材料としてDURACON® POMを提供することで、彼らの活動を支援しています!

4th Place: Ready to Start Global Employee Info. Master 4位:グローバル人事マスタの構築開始

For a company, it has become important in terms of corporate management strategies to understand the abilities and talents of its employees and to manage and develop these human resources group-wide. In Polyplastics, the key pillar to realize this is the “Global Employee Info. Master” that allows companies to centrally manage human resource information.
This article introduces this “Global Employee Info. Master” which was started to build in PPC HR Department and expected effects by its introduction!
Click here for the full article!

5th Place: Daicel’s Smart SBU At a Glance! ポリプラとも深いつながりが! 多様な製品が集まる「スマートSBU」 At a Glance!

As the first in the Daicel’s SBU introduction series, we focused on Smart SBU that covers a wide range of products for the electronics field in general. Their main products (TAC, Performance Film, Wafer lens, Resist polymer, etc.) and their features are introduced using easy-to-understand illustrations.
The SBU has many products/technology that are “the best in the world” and “first in the world”! In the future, more collaboration between Smart SBU to Polyplastics is expected, so we hope you will know what kind of department it is in this article!
Click here for the full article!


Written by Shuji Fujikawa / PPC
Department : GAD CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Compliance, Risk Management, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Running, Fishing