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21 December 2022

Interview Nakajima-san, the new Executive Officer! Securing human resources and advancing operations in the Mid-Term Business Plan 新・執行役員の中島さんにインタビュー!中計で進める人財の確保と業務の高度化について

Nakajima-san was newly appointed as an Executive Officer in April. With a long 25-year career at Polyplastics and experience of being stationed at a group company, there are probably many of you who have come into contact with him in the course of your work. In this vol., he talked about what he would like to convey to everyone in the Corporate Strategy Policy of the Mid-Term Business Plan for 2023-2025 as a General Manager of Corporate Support Division.4月から執行役員に就任された中島さん。ポリプラでのご経歴は25年と長く、グループ会社での駐在のご経験もあることから、業務上で接点を持ったことのある方も多いのではないでしょうか。今回のタイムリー号では、事業支援本部長として23-25年の中計のコーポレート戦略方針の中でこの機会に皆さんにお伝えしたいことについて語っていただきました。

Q.Please tell us about your career. Q.これまでのご経歴について教えてください。

After working at my previous job, I joined the Polyplastics Finance and Accounting Department (F&A) in 1998, and three years later I was assigned to PAP. PAP began plant operations in March 2000, and following compound production, production of 30,000 tons of polyacetal had begun. In 2003, just after that, I received the baton from Shimura-san and Yokoo-san, who were founding members, and worked as a back office member for 6 and a half years to support PAP’s management stabilization. 前職を経て1998年にポリプラ経理部に入社し、その3年後にPAPへの駐在が決まりました。PAPは2000年3月に操業を開始し、コンパウンド生産に続きポリアセタール3万tの生産が始まっていました。私は丁度その直後の2003年に、創業メンバーであった志村さんと横尾さんからバトンを受け取る形でPAPの経営安定化に向けバックオフィスメンバーとして支え6年半の間勤務しました。

When I was assigned to PAP, the nine Japanese founding members had completed their roles one after another and had to see them go back to Japan. I felt a little lonely, but I remember working with Yamawaki-san, who was the MD at the time, to support the growth of PAP. Based on this kind of experience, I was assigned to the Corporate Planning Office of the newly established Corporate Strategy Headquarters, where I was involved in many construction projects, including the construction of PAP’s second plant (90,000 tons). After that, I was stationed at TAP for about five years from 2012 and worked with TAP members to create a system for turning TAP, which had just become a group company, into the profitable company. After returning to Japan, I worked as the head of FA.着任した際にいた9名の日本人創業メンバーが次々と役目を終え、帰国する姿を見送るのは、心細い気持ちもありましたが、当時のMDであった山脇さんと協力しながら大きく成長していくPAPを支えていたのを思い出します。こういった経験を経て、帰国後、当時新設であった経営戦略本部の経営企画室配属となり、PAPの第2プラント建設(9万t)計画等多くの建設プロジェクトに携わりました。その後、2012年から約5年間TAPに駐在し、グループ会社になって間もないTAP社の黒字化に向けた仕組みつくりをTAPメンバーと共に実施してきました。帰国後、経理部長を経て今に至ります。

Q.We would like to ask you about the part related to the MTP. What do you think about the changes in the environment surrounding Polyplastics from 2021 to 2022? Q.中計に関わる部分についてお尋ねします。まず、2021年度から2022年度にかけてポリプラを取り巻く環境の変化についてどのようにお考えですか?

The business environment is changing dramatically. In FY 2020, we experienced a significant drop in demand due to COVID-19, followed by a rebound in demand in FY 2021, which disrupted logistics. In spite of this severe situation where we wanted to deliver the products but were unable to deliver them or were unable to produce them, we managed to continue our business and achieve record-high operating income thanks to the cooperation of all of our employees. Under these circumstances, I have come to think of “Securing human resources” and “Sophistication of operations” as issues. 事業環境が大きく変化しています。2020年度に、コロナによる大幅な需要減、その後2021年度に需要のリバウンドを経験し、物流が混乱しました。商品を届けたいのに届けられない、あるいは生産できないといった状況が続く中で、なんとか従業員の皆さんのご協力により、事業継続とともに過去最高の営業利益をあげることが出来ました。こういった状況を経て、“人財の確保”と“業務の高度化”が課題としてみえてきました。

Q.How will you tackle “Securing human resources” and “Sophistication of operations” in the future MTP? Q.”人財の確保“と”業務の高度化“に向けて今後中計の中ではどのように取り組んでいきますか?

Under the MTP, we will actively invest in securing and training human resources. Becoming a company wholly owned by Daicel has made it possible to exchange human resources on a scale that was not possible before. We are considering the introduction of a “Talent management tool” in order to advance human resource exchanges, appointments, and work sophistication throughout the Daicel Group. This tool collectively manages information such as employee backgrounds and what departments have potential. And we are considering using it in the job rotation part. Based on my own experience of being stationed overseas, we have established a system in which the support function of the head office is not limited to mere management and support operations, but allows PPC to provide direct support as a second-line division within the entire Corporate Support Division for overseas group companies.
In addition, we will enhance support for legal and accounting operations in cooperation with the regional headquarters of the Daicel Group.


Q.What are your thoughts on employee engagement? Q.従業員のエンゲージメントについてはどのようにお考えですか?

As Yoneda-san said in the “Interview Executive officers on MTP” series, I believe that it is important as the foundation of a company that many people are engaged in their work in a state of high engagement. In particular, in terms of “workload” and “work-life balance,” based on the introduction of the new tools I mentioned earlier and the personnel system newly established this fiscal year, I feel that the issue is how to collect the voices of all the employees working in the field. 「役員が語る中計」シリーズで、米田さんがお話されていたように、多くの人がエンゲージメントの高い状態で仕事に取り組んでいるということが会社の土台として重要であると考えています。特に今後は、「業務負荷」と「ワークライフバランス」の点において、先ほどお話した新たなツールの導入や、今年度新たに制定した人事制度を踏まえ、現場で働く従業員の皆さんの声をいかに集約していくかということも課題だと感じています。

Click here for Yoneda-san’s past articles米田さんの過去の記事はこちら

Q.Lastly, please tell us how you feel on a daily basis as a General Manager of Corporate Support Division Q.最後に・・・!事業支援本部長として日々感じていらっしゃることを聞かせてください。

In particular, I feel the importance of risk management. Due to the lockdown in Shanghai in April and the cyberattacks in Malaysia, local functions were suspended, and since we were in the middle of the fiscal year settlement, we could not close the financial statement until the last minute, and shortly after taking office as a General Manager, I experienced a difficult situation. The company is always side by side with risks, and I realized how important it is to be able to manage them. However, even in this difficult situation, we were able to prevent further damage and worsening of the situation with the cooperation of everyone in each group company. 特に感じているのは、リスク管理の重要性です。4月に発生した上海のロックダウン、マレーシアでのサイバー攻撃の影響で現地機能が停止し、丁度年度決算の真っ最中であったため、ギリギリまで決算が締められず、就任早々大変な事態を経験しました。会社は常にリスクと隣り合わせにあり、いかにマネジメントできるかがとても重要だと気づかされました。ですが、大変な状況の中でも各グループ会社の皆さんのご協力によりさらなる被害や状況の悪化を防ぐことができました。

Nakajima-san, who was newly appointed as an Executive Officer in April. In this vol., he talked about “Securing human resources” and “Sophistication of operations” that we will work on in the MTP, as well as increasing employee engagement. Taking Nakajima-san’s story as an opportunity, how about creating an opportunity to look back on the personnel system that was newly implemented this year and your own work style? 4月に新たに執行役員に就任された中島さん。今回のタイムリー号では、中計の中で今後取り組んでいく「人財の確保」と「業務の高度化」、さらには従業員のみなさんのエンゲージメントの向上についてお話いただきました。中島さんのお話をきっかけに、今年度新たに施行された人事制度や、ご自身の働き方について振り返る機会を作ってみてはいかがでしょう。

\We’ve also interviewed about his private topics!(^^)/
Q.What do you do on your days off?
I play golf. It has been 10 years since my child became independent.

Q.What is your favorite food?
I eat anything. if I had to choose, I like Toraya’s Yokan. (Toraya is a long-established traditional confectionery manufacturer in Japan.)

Q.What is your favorite TV program?
Recently, I’ve been watching “Money Heist” on NETFLIX. It’s good. I’m really looking forward to the next season.

Q.The jacket you always wear is nice, but did you choose it yourself?
I choose myself. (By the way, on this day, he was wearing clothes that are famous for being very fashionable in Japan.)



自分で選んでいます。(ちなみにこの日はUNITED ARROWSのジャケットをお召しになっていました!)


Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!