Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

06 September 2023

Silver Award! Achieved TAP’s Production Stabilization by Working as One Team with Daicel シルバーアワード受賞!ダイセルとワンチームとなって乗り越えたTAPの生産安定化

The Group Award for the second half of FY2022 was recently announced. Among the many initiatives, the “TAP Oberhausen Plant Production Stabilization Project” is an initiative that was successfully completed through collaboration with the Daicel team! We believe that there will be more opportunities to collaborate with Daicel in various ways in various locations in the future, but many of you may be wondering “How does this collaboration actually take place? or “I cannot imagine a specific situation with Daicel.
Therefore, this time we would like to introduce a familiar example of collaboration with Daicel, as we asked to project leader Nakamura-san about this initiative that won a Silver Award!
先日2022年度下期のGroup Awardが発表されました。多くの取り組みが表彰された中で、「TAP オーバーハウゼン工場の生産安定化プロジェクト」はダイセルチームとの協業により成功を収めた取り組みです!今後も各地で様々な形でダイセルの皆さんと協業する機会があるかと思いますが、「実際にどういった形で協業が行われているの?」「一緒に働く様子がなかなかイメージできない」という方も多いのではないでしょうか。そこで今回は身近な協業事例として、シルバーアワードに輝いたこの取り組みについてプロジェクトリーダーの中村さんにお話しを伺いましたのでご紹介します!

Project team leader Nakamura-san プロジェクトチームリーダーの中村さん

Issues that TAP was facing when the project was launched?
Efforts to address the issue of production stabilization began in May 2022. At that time, TAP was not able to produce and manufacture in accordance with its production plan. In particular, the production volume in FY2021 was less than half of the production budget due to the failure to increase the rate after improving manufacturing processes, repeated problems, and the resulting quality loss (losses due to production of off-spec products). The plant had to be rebuilt urgently to avoid a supply-demand crunch. Under such circumstances, TAP, Daicel, and PPC launched the “TAP Oberhausen Plant Production Stabilization Project” to stabilize the plant’s production with the goal of achieving the planned production volume for FY2022 within a limited period of one year.
生産安定化の検討を開始したのは2022年の5月です。その当時TAPでは生産計画に沿った製造ができていませんでした。特に2021年度の製造量はデボトル後のレートアップ未達や、度重なるトラブル、これに伴う品質オフ(オフスペック品が生産されることによるロス)によって製造予算の半分以下の結果となり2024年の新プラントの稼働も迫る中、需給のひっ迫を避けるため工場の立て直しが急務でした。そういった中でTAP、ダイセル、PPCのメンバーで「TAP オーバーハウゼン工場生産安定化プロジェクト」が立ち上がりました。1年間という限られた期間で22年度の計画製造量を達成することを目標に工場の生産安定化に取り組むことになりました。

Four key things to achieve the goal 目標達成のために重要だった4つのこと

The TAP Oberhausen Plant Production Stabilization Project almost succeeded in achieving its target planned production volume in a one-year effort! The following four things were important 最終的にTAP オーバーハウゼン工場生産安定化プロジェクトは1年間の取り組みで目標の計画製造量をほぼ達成しました!重要だったことは以下の4つです。

1.Support from experienced members
2.In-depth face-to-face discussion
3.Setting goals and aligning the goals of members/Regularly checking the degree of achievement
4.Understanding of TAP members
2.Face to Faceでの徹底した議論

First, we had the support of experienced members. The Daicel members which had implemented production reforms at various plants joined us to implement the most immediately effective improvement items from among many, following the Production Innovations by the Daicel Way. The presence of the Daicel team, which had a great deal of knowledge and experience, was a great asset to the project.
Second, In-depth face-to-face discussion among the three companies was made. When working on a project between different countries and multiple companies, we cannot make progress if we communicate our ideas one-sidedly. In this case, we tried to understand TAP’s current situation, explain the methods used to solve the issues, and try to understand the intentions and background of the project as much as possible.
Third, TAP, Daicel, and PPC set common goals. At the project’s inception, the three companies aligned their goals for achieving the planned production volume (KGI). Specifically, we extracted key factors (KPIs) that affect the production volume, set targets for each, and checked the progress each month. In this way, we were able to share the results of our efforts on a regular basis, and the members were able to recognize that the direction of our efforts was not mistaken, which led to increased motivation.
Fourth, everyone at TAP understood our efforts. it was essential for us to proceed with the project that they positively accepted our efforts and implemented them despite the limited time, personnel and different culture.
2つ目はFace to Faceでの徹底した議論を3社で行ったことです。異国間かつ複数の会社を跨ぐプロジェクトの場合、こちらの考えを一方的に伝えていては物事が進みません。今回の場合はTAPの現状をしっかりと理解した上で、課題解決に向けた手法を説明し意図や背景も可能な限り皆で理解していくことを心掛けました。

What we did by incorporating production innovations by the Daicel Way.
The number of alarms and DCS operations were reduced by analyzing trends for each product grade and unit and reviewing operation and management conditions. This has reduced the operator load and potential risk of trouble, leading to a significant reduction in the number of plant outage days.

In addition to standardizing the cooking operation (i.e., cleaning of equipment used in the manufacturing process), which is a typical example of non-routine work, from existing work standards, trends, and operation history, we create block diagrams and scenarios so that anyone can do it uniformly without mistakes and without waste. This has reduced lost time and stabilized operation, leading to an increase in production time.

3.Maintenance Enhancement
Focusing on the frequent occurrence of troubles after shutdown, we worked to strengthen the vendor management system and to develop and strengthen the system for construction specifications and acceptance inspection checklists, which are weak points in the existing maintenance workflow. We also worked to strengthen planned maintenance by reviewing equipment importance ranks in order to break away from a breakdown maintenance-centered approach。




▶ Click here to learn more about production innovations by the Daicel way!▶ダイセル式生産革新についてもっと知りたい人はこちらマレー語簡体字繁体字ドイツ語

As a result of these efforts and the promotion of plant stabilization, standardization, and enhanced maintenance, TAP has almost achieved its planned production volume for FY2022 and is on track to recover its profits. Kozono-san is currently working on a new production advancement project with an eye toward future G20 operations.

Although this was an example of collaboration at a production site, other departments are gradually beginning to collaborate with the Daicel team as well. P-Mates will continue to introduce such initiatives in the future, so please take a look!



Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!