Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

02 December 2022

For the first time in 30 years! Fuji Plant’s New Compound Plant SG-15 Opened! ~Opening ceremony and “Great Points of SG-15″~ 約30年ぶりの新プラント!富士工場SG-15がオープン! ~オープニングセレモニー&関係者に聞く「SG-15のすごいところ」~

New buildings in SG-15 are built on land where some of the three-dimensional warehouses have been demolished.

On November 4, an opening ceremony for new compound plant SG-15 took place at the Fuji Plant.
This is the first time in 14 years that the Fuji Plant has been expanded with a new building, and the first time in 31 years as a new compound plant! Construction began in August 2021 and the building was completed in June 2022. Later, after the machine installation, trial operation, and trial mass production, commercial operation began in November. More than 40 employees were involved in construction, including 20 project members, about 30 manufacturers of equipment and equipment, and a total of about 9000 construction workers were involved in construction.

This SG-15 will be mainly used for PPS compounds. Great expectations are placed on the plant that will support the rapid progress of the PPS business, which is in increasing demand for EV applications!
The Fuji Plant is planning to build next new plant SG-16 from next year. (Starting commercial operation in January 2024) This will be the plant mainly for PPS compound as SG-15, and it is expected that the supply capacity will be further strengthened.

Opening Ceremony! オープニングセレモニーを実施!

At 11:00 on November 4, the opening ceremony for this SG-15 was held, and about 40 involved employees attended.
After the explanation of SG-15 from Kazama-san in Engineering Dept. of the Production Engineering Center, the congratulatory greetings from Shiwaku-san, and the tape-cutting by the executives were carried out, the commercial operation of SG-15 was officially started at the same time as Shiwaku-san’s push of button, erupting in thunderous applause.
生産技術センター エンジニアリング部の風間さんからのSG-15のご説明、塩飽さんからのお祝いのご挨拶、役員の皆さんによるテープカットが執り行われた後、塩飽さんのボタンの押下と同時にSG-15の商業運転が正式に開始し、会場は大きな拍手に包まれました。

At the luncheon that followed, Ohishi-san, General Manager of Production Div., and Endo-san, chairman of Labor Union gave greetings, and six representatives of the members who were involved in the construction of SG-15 talked about their memory of construction PJ.
Lastly, we received greetings from Shirai-san, the General Manager of the Fuji Plant, and then whole ceremony ended in a great success.

★ Special interview! What were the great points of SG-15 and the difficult points in construction! ★特別インタビュー!SG-15の凄いところ&苦労したところ

We interviewed with 5 employees who were involved in the construction of SG-15 this time, and we asked the great points of SG-15, difficulties in construction, and future outlook! 今回のSG-15の新設に携わった方々の中から5名の方にお話を伺い、SG-15の凄いところ、建設で苦労・工夫したこと、今後の展望を伺いました!

[Interviewees] (From the left) Engineering Department: Sekino-san, Higashimoto-san /Production Department Compound Group: Takagi-san, Yoshino-san, Watanabe-san 【お話を伺った方々】 (お写真左から)エンジニアリング部 関野さん、東本さん/生産部コンパウンドグループ 髙木さん、吉野さん、渡辺さん

3 selection of great points in SG-15 SG-15の凄いところ3選

①Larger power than conventional equipment!
SG-15 has a production capacity of 3,500 tons/year, which is one of the highest one in the existing facilities at the Fuji Plant!

②Energy-saving plants
This plant is more energy-efficient than ever before. In addition to the latest energy-saving specifications of each equipment, we also incorporate cooling equipment that utilizes well water, which is more energy-efficient than ordinary coolers, as a measure against the heat of buildings. (The well water is cold, so it is used as a coolant for air conditioning). In addition, the lighting inside the building is also LED.

③Construction-related PJ that also succeeded in transferring technology to the next generation
The new construction PJ included young workers as it members, with the aim of making it an opportunity to succeed the skill and knowledge about construction of new plants. We also involved the other workers from other departments in some of the trial operations. We appointed the date and worked with those who were assigned by the chief. We think it was also the good experience of those members, as it might give them motivation by taking part in the creating new plant, even though they were usually in other departments.

Three selection of difficulties in construction 建設の苦労3選

①Construction in a limited space and measures against noise and heat
The equipment with high production capacity requires space for installation. Since the space of Fuji plant is limited, we reduced the space for the warehouse of the product to build the SG-15. However, it was also necessary to secure a place for the product that had been stored in the reduced warehouse, so the construction took about three years due to such arrangements.
Furthermore, since this area was close to the north end of the Fuji Plant site, measures against noise had to be made more stringent. Therefore, the number of windows of the SG-15 building was reduced to prevent sound leakage.
This makes it difficult to control temperature indoors during the summer, so we had to take measures against heat in the summer such as the use of insulation in the wall.
In this way, it was difficult to construct the plant under conditions where there are many restrictions.

②Difficulties in procuring equipment and parts
As a result of the instability in the social situation, such as the slowdown of logistics caused by COVID-19, the lock-down of Shanghai, and the lack of semiconductors, we suffered from the difficulty of procuring a variety of components such as inverters, breakers, cables, and terminals simultaneously. We relied on the help of Daicel and overseas plants, contacted suppliers who had not been dealing with us before, and consulted with trading companies for various adjustments and negotiations.
As a result of these efforts, we are relieved to be able to meet the scheduled delivery date.

③Trial run required hard work
Trial runs are required for any plant. Especially for a new building, it is necessary to repeat the two-day dispatch of water, air, etc.
Specifically, opening the pipe valve and let air out until no dirt comes out, or catching the water discharged from the pipe with a bucket, putting a magnet in it, and discarding the water until the metal no longer sticks to the magnet are required.

At SG-15, we conducted these activities at more than 100 times. Although the building is a two-story building, there are seven layers of equipment, and there is no elevator, so it was very difficult to perform these trial runs while going up and down the stairs. 建屋としては2F建てですが設備の層としては7層あり、エレベーターがないため、上り下りしながらのこうした試運転は非常に骨が折れました。

Future Perspectives 今後の展望

Considering the difficulty in procuring equipment and parts this time, we started the earlier preparation of the construction so that we can respond with leeway even if a similar situation occurs again, though the current situation is stabilizing now,
In addition, the SG-15 has a high production rate, so the frequency of operations such as raw material input and bagging will also increase. On the site, it is necessary to establish operations as soon as possible.
We are going to tighten our mind for the actual production operation from now on!


Written by Ami Kanbe (Akutagawa) / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Painting, Traveling, Reading books (including Japanese Manga!)… etc!