Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

04 October 2022

A Safety Award for saving life of a local resident! 近隣の方の人命救助で安全表彰を受賞!

In September, two members of Polyplastics Service, Murase-san and Koyama-san, received a Safety Award at Fuji Plant for saving life! 9月の富士地区の全体朝礼において、人命救助を行ったということで、ポリプラサービスの村瀬さん・小山さんのお二人が安全表彰を受けました!

The hearty handwriting letter of thanks 真心のこもった手書きの御礼状を頂きました

Murase-san and Koyama-san rescued a resident man living near the Fuji Plant.
At the end of July, the man became ill with heat stroke-like symptoms on the road west of the Fuji Plant when he was taking a short walk.
And Murase-san and Koyama-san who passed there called him and carried him on Murase-san’s back to his home with Koyama-san’s support.

The man recovered safely in his home afterwards, and his wife directly gave the letter of thanks to the General Affairs Dept at the Fuji Plant.

We would like to emulate the courageous action of Murase-san and Koyama-san!




Written by Ami Kanbe (Akutagawa) / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Painting, Traveling, Reading books (including Japanese Manga!)… etc!