Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

15 June 2022

About two months after ransomware damage at PAP. Let’s see the current situation of PAP! ランサムウェア被害発生から約2ヵ月 PAPのみなさんの現状をお伝えします!

In April, the company server and the PCs infected with ransomware, causing damage the files were encrypted at PAP. About two months have passed since the incident, and we think many employees are concerned about what is going on. We had interview Noor Azlee-san (in charge of production div.), and Rasydan Jallil-san (in charge of MIS(IT) div.). 今年4月、PAPで会社サーバーやPCがランサムウェアに感染し、ファイルが暗号化される被害が発生しました。被害発生から約2ヵ月が経過しましたが、どうなっているのかに気になっている従業員の方も多いのではないでしょうか。生産担当のNoor Azleeさんと情報システム担当のRasydan Jallilさんにお話を伺いました。

Please tell us about the current recovery status. 現在の復旧状況について教えてください。

We are currently initializing the damaged PCs, installing a new OS, and carrying out virus scanning. About 50% of PCs possessed by PAP are in a state of recovery. At the end of June or the beginning of July, almost all PCs are expected to recover completely (including restoration of the e-mail function). We are plan to recover each network and server subsequently.

Which departments are particularly affected this damage? 今回特に大きな影響を受けている部署はどこですか?

All departments are in a tough situation because they can’t use their PCs sufficiently, but what is particularly affected is the logistics section, purchasing section, and F&A section. We are lucky that we were able to apply iRen System using virtual desktops, but we have a very hard time ordering and receiving products because of the limited number of PCs. In addition, many departments, such as the logistics, switch to paper documents to carry out the operation, so it took more time and effort than before. どの部署もPCが十分に使えず大変な状況ですが、特に影響を受けているのは物流、購買、経理部門です。仮想デスクトップを活用してiRenを使用できたことは幸いでしたが、パソコンの数が限られているので製品の受発注にはとても苦労しています。さらに、物流部門をはじめ多くの部署が紙の書類に切り替えて業務を行っているので、これまで以上に時間と労力を要しています。

Which tool should we use to contact PAP’s members? PAPのみなさんと連絡を取るにはどのツールを使うと良いですか?

The most certain way is using Microsoft Teams. The email system has not been completely restored yet, so there are many people who can’t check it even if you send it to us.
However, the number of PCs that can be used is limited and we share 3-4 PCs in one department/section, so it may take a little time while to deal with this, but we recommended them to use Microsoft Teams.

一番確実なのはMicrosoft Teamsです。メールはまだ完全に復旧していないので、送っていただいても確認することができない人も多くいます。ただ使用できるパソコンの数が限られていて1部署で3-4台のパソコンを共有している状況なので、対応に少し時間がかかるかもしれませんが、Teamsを利用されることをおすすめします。

Tough situation, how’s everyone? 大変な状況下ですが、PAPのみなさんの様子はいかがですか。

Some employees were frustrated with the slow internet connection speed due to the lack of a recovered network environment. However, everyone is working patiently toward complete recovery. Immediately after the damage occurred, we were in a state of panic, but there was no further expansion of the damage afterwards, and we have calmed down little by little.

Noor-san and Rasydan-san responded to the interview in spite of the difficult situation, they sent us a message that P-Mates readers should not access suspicious sites or mails. The incident information is posted on bulletin boards and PPC company websites, but PAP’s actual situation of employees and their impact on each division that cannot be recognized from there. Please use the information for your reference when you get in touch with PAP’s members.



Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!