Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

17 January 2022

Nagao-san and Tsukada-san Received Honorable Prize of Academic Conference for their research! 学会の栄誉ある賞を受賞!永尾さん&束田さんの研究をご紹介します!

Two researchers with PPC RDC/TSC were honored by academic conferences. Congratulations!
Here’s a bit more about why they were honored.

Explored the mechanism of deterioration of physical properties during heating and fuel swelling of POM, and won the Examiner’s Award of 26th National Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization (2021) in The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry!


POM, which is often used in automotive fuel parts, decreases its strength and other properties owing to swollen by fuel (only a small amount of fuel penetrates into the POM).
Nagao-san studied the mechanism of micro structural changes in the molded product during fuel swelling, and clarified that different changes occurred in the molecular structure under heating and fuel swelling, respectively.
Various analytical results have shown that different change happens in each phase of the POM polymer structure: three phases of an amorphous phase, a crystalline phase, and an intermediate phase.
Specifically, all phases increased its molecular mobility under heating, whereas only the amorphous and intermediate phases increased it under fuel swelling.

Until now, there have been no research about comparing the micro structural changes between heating and fuel swelling, or about each phase’s change, including the intermediate phase which is particularly difficult to observe, in a multilateral manner. It led that Nagao-san received this award as an epoch-making discovery. Such elucidation of the mechanism of molecules can be expected to be useful for developing fuel swelling resistance grades and for improving the accuracy of defect prediction.これまでは、加熱下と燃料膨潤下を比較しながら見た研究事例や、とりわけ観察が難しい中間相も含む各相の変化を多角的に研究した事例がなかったため、画期的な発見であったとして、この度賞を受賞されました。

Developed material property evaluation technology that can contribute to high-precision prediction of residual stresses regardless of the shape of molded products, and won the poster award in 30th (2019) and 32nd (2021) Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Polymer Processing!

With the electrification of automobiles, the technology of “insert molding” in which metal and resin are integrally molded has become more widely used.
Metal does not shrink much when it is cooled, but resin shrinks more than metal, so the resin becomes a little tight when the insert molded product cools and solidifies.
Residual stress can accumulate in these points, which can eventually lead to resin breakage (e.g. thermal shock breakage). Therefore, grasping and managing this residual stress is a very important issue in insert molding.

Although there was already a technology to measure residual stress in products after molded, Tsukada-san’s research approaches the real-time measurement of residual stress in the injection molding process.
In fact, two years ago, Tsukada-san developed a technology to measure the residual stress in the process of solidifying injection-molded resin in real time and quantitatively, and received an award from the Japan Society of Polymer Processing. At that time, the technology could only be used for molded products in regular shapes, but this time he also developed a new material property evaluation technology that can predict residual stresses with a high degree of accuracy in any shape, and received the award again.

With this technology, we can contribute to more efficient and effective product design for our customers. We can also assist our customers in proposing ways to cool molded products (how much force should be applied in the mold while cooling them, at what speed should the products be cooled, etc.).
In addition, the technology to simulate residual stress with high accuracy not only makes it possible to increase the reliability and life span of our customers’ products, but also reduces the need for extra thickness of customers’ products for safety, enabling the more appropriate use of resins, thus contributing to the effective use of resources.

Congratulations again, Nagao-san and Tsukada san!


Written by Ami Kanbe (Akutagawa) / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Painting, Traveling, Reading books (including Japanese Manga!)… etc!