Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

06 January 2022

Two products exhibited at the “Sustainable Materials Exhibition” at Japan’s largest exhibition of circular economies and materials for carbon-free society! 日本最大規模の展示会サーキュラーエコノミー・脱炭素社会に向けた素材総合展“サステナブルマテリアル展”に当社2製品が出展!

Polyplastics participated in the largest Sustainable Materials Exhibition held in Japan during the three-day period from December 8th to 10th. This exhibition was aimed at plastics manufacturers and users and focused on environmentally friendly materials such as plant-derived materials, biodegradable materials, and recycled materials. At the exhibition, 3200 materials and technologies were exhibited to realize carbon-free society and the Circular Economy. Polyplastics also exhibited two products, so we will tell everyone about how they were! In the latter of the article, we will also ask Maishima-san and Miyazaki-san with Japan Business Unit 3 of the Marketing and Sales Division about the customer’s reaction. ポリプラは、12月8日(水)から10日(金)の3日間にかけて日本で開催された業界最大級の展示会「サステナブルマテリアル展」に出展しました。この展示会は、プラスチックメーカーおよびユーザーに向けた、植物由来の材料や生分解材料、リサイクル材料といった環境配慮型の材料に特化した展示会で、脱炭素社会、サーキュラーエコノミーを実現するための各種材料や技術が3,200点出展されていました。

Recyclable Material TOPAS ® COC and bG-POM (Biomass Generation Plastics) are here! リサイクル可能材料TOPAS®COCとバイオマス世代のエンプラbG-POMがお目見え!

We exhibited two products: TOPAS®COC, which received third-party certification as “recycleable resins along with olefin-based resins” in 2020 and DURACON® bG-POM(Updates PAP article that uses biomass-derived methanol). The exhibition booth of ours was located front at the entrance, and it was already crowded with many customers early in the start time. Yoshizumi-san and Hirato -san of the Japan Business Unit 1 of the Marketing and Sales Division, Maishima-san and Miyazaki-san of the Unit 3, and Tanaka-san of the Corporate Strategy Division responded to customer questions. 今回ポリプラからは、2020年に「オレフィン系樹脂とともにリサイクル可能な樹脂」として第三者認証を受けたTOPAS®COCと、バイオマス由来のメタノールを使用したDURACON® bG-POM(Updates PAP記事へリンク)の2つを出展しました。ポリプラの出展ブースは入場口直ぐの場所に位置し、ブース内は開始時刻早々にすでに沢山のお客様で賑わっており、日本営業本部第一部の吉住さん、平等さん、第三部の舞島さんと宮崎さん、経営企画室の田中さんが対応をされていました。

▲Posters ▲実際に展示されたポスター

What was the background and target for the two products? 2つの製品を出展した背景とターゲットは?

While there is strong demand for TOPAS®COC from the view of recyclability in the European and U.S. markets, which are driven mainly by the Circular Economy Environmental Economic Strategy, we will need to strengthen our presence in the Japanese market, where there is still no significant need from this perspective. Accordingly, we have decided to exhibit this time with the primary aim of collecting information and increasing awareness of the polyolefin monomaterial recycling created by the character of TOPAS.
With regard to DURACON® bG-POM, as several customers are starting to consider biomass products in order to reduce GHG, the main aim is to raise awareness of mass-balance POM and to confirm the market need for POM with a smaller carbon footprint in the product life cycle. Our target customer base, which we expect to see in the future, is in many fields, including automobiles, office automation, home appliances, medical care, and others. In addition to introducing the products on display, we also conducted market surveys on the trends of each company from visitors at the same time. As a result, those who were involved in response to the situation were very busy, and in the three days of the exhibition, the sales members exchanged opinions with more than 200 people.
DURACON® bG-POMについては、GHG削減に向けて複数のお客様がバイオマス製品の検討を始めている中、マスバランスPOMに対する認知度向上と製品ライフサイクルにおいてカーボンフットプリントのより小さいPOMの市場のニーズの確認が主な狙いです。将来性が見込める顧客ターゲット層は、自動車・OA・家電・医療・その他多くの分野です。

▶Miyazaki-san introducing bG-POM to customers at business meeting booths (left photo)  ▶Maishima-san introducing about TOPAS®COC in front of posters (right photo) ▶商談ブースでお客様にbG-POMについて紹介する宮崎さん(写真左) ▶ポスター前でTOPAS®COCについて説明する舞島さん(写真右)

What was visitor’s actual response? お客様の実際の反応は?

◆Response to Recyclable Materials TOPAS®COC
The people who visited our booth this time expressed the impression that awareness of mono-materials and the Circular Economy in the packaging industry is not high compared to those in the U.S. and Europe. It is important in Japan to gain a solid understanding from customers about the concept of polyolefin material recycling, and to instill awareness of products and global awareness by actively taking action from here on customers who want to consider it positively in the future.

◆Response to DURACON® bG-POM
The concept of the mass balance approach seemed to be highly recognized among customers in the office equipment and automotive industries in particular among the targeted industry. However, the impression for awareness of mass balance POM was still low. While the term “environmental responsiveness” is attractive, in terms of material prices, price is more expensive than normal POM, so it seemed that company continue to think about how much it could spend on “the environment.” In order to advance future market trend surveys, it was necessary to closely monitor trends in the European and U.S. markets, and many commented that it is necessary to align their respective perceptions across materials, manufacturing, and sales in order to do so.


To close 最後に

As a company that produces the environmentally friendly TOPAS®COC and DURACON® bG-POM, we think that every one of us is required to take an interest to major developments in the world. 今回展示された環境に優しいTOPAS®COCやDURACON® bG-POMを作っている企業として、私たち一人一人が世界の大きな動きに目を向けていくことが求められているのではないかと思います。


Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!