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06 October 2021

Expansion of New LCP Plant in Taiwan! 台湾に新たにLCPプラントを増設! さらなるLCP事業の基盤強化に向けてHNA合弁会社に資本参加

As you know, LCP is one of the star players for Polyplastics, in recent years, LCP sales volumes have increased with the increase in 5G capital investment, further making the LCP market more active. Until now, we have suffered from product shortages many times, but at Polyplastics, we have finally decided to expand the LCP polymerization plant at the Kaohsiung Plant of PTW for the first time outside the Fuji Plant (5,400 tons/year), and the operations will start in 2024. Polyplastics has an annual production plant of 15,000 tons of LCP at the Fuji Plant. With the additional capital investment in 2027 (5400 tons/year), we will be able to polymerize 25,800 tons of LCP in the future in Japan and Taiwan. In addition to the Asian markets, we will also fully develop the European and U.S. markets LCPはポリプラにとってスター選手の一人ですが、近年、5Gの設備投資に伴い販売量が増加し、LCP市場がさらに活性化しています。これまで度々の玉不足に悩まされてきましたが、遂にポリプラでも富士工場以外に初めてPTWの高雄工場にLCP重合設備の増設(5,400t/年)が決まり、2024年に稼働予定です。ポリプラは富士工場に年産15,000トンのLCP重合プラントを有していますから、2027年の追加の設備投資(5,400t/年)を入れて、日本と台湾で将来25,800トンのLCPを重合することができるようになり、これまでのアジア市場に加えて欧米市場の開拓も本格化します。

What applications is LCP especially used for in the future? 今後特に期待される用途は?

LCP is expected to be used for parts which are necessary for capital investment and for micro-precision connectors of state-of-the-art IT equipment, such as tablets and smartphones, which are becoming increasingly compact. But, there are still cases in which the current LCP grades are unable to respond to accelerating 5G development. Therefore, the Research & Development Division will develop further grades ahead of the market and propose products to customers. タブレット端末やスマートフォンなど、小型化が進む最新IT機器の超小型精密コネクター、5Gの設備投資に伴う部材への使用が期待されています。また、現状のLCPのグレードでは加速する5G開発に対応できないケースもあるため、研開本部では市場を先取ったさらなるグレード開発を行い、お客様へ製品提案を行っていきます。

Procurement of Main Raw Materials for LCP LCPの主原料の調達について

With the expansion of LCP plants, HNA and HBA, which are the main raw materials for LCP, becomes more important. HBA has been manufactured LCPG, but HNA, which requires more sophisticated manufacturing techniques, could not be manufactured on our own, and was dependent on purchasing from other companies. Under this situation, we have successfully entered into joint venture arrangements to establish and operate a joint venture in India to produce high-quality HNA at three companies, at Sustainable Sciences Pvt Ltd. (SSPL India), OG Corporation (“OG-Japan”) and Polyplastics in May. LCPプラントの増設によって重要になってくるのがLCPの主原料になるHNAやHBAです。HBAについてはグループ会社のLCPGでも製造されてきましたが、より高度な製造技術を要するHNAはグループでの内製化をすることができず、他社からの購入に依存していました。そのような中、ポリプラは5月に、Sustainable Sciences Pvt. Ltd(以下SSPL・インド)およびオー・ジー株式会社(以下OG・日本)の3社で、高品質HNAを製造するための合弁会社をインドに設立、運営するための合弁契約を締結することに成功しました。

The new company name will be ADVANCED MONOMERS PRIVATE LTD, headquartered in Mumbai, and its plant in Nagpule, Maharashtra, the same as Mumbai. HNA, which is scheduled to be manufactured by the new company, is high quality, and a synthetic technology equivalent to higher than HNA currently purchased from other companies has been established (1,000 t/year). Furthermore, since the HNA manufactured by the new company is basically sold to us only, it is possible to procure raw materials for inexpensive and stable monomers, and we expect to strengthen the LCP business foundation in the Polyplastics Group. 新会社名は、ADVANCED MONOMERS PRIVATE LTDで、本社はムンバイ、工場はムンバイと同じマハーラーシュトラ州のナーグプルを予定しています。新会社で製造が予定されているHNAの品質は高く、現在他社より購入しているHNAと同等以上の合成技術が確立されています(1,000t/年)。さらに、新会社で製造するHNAは基本的に当社に全量販売されるため、安価で安定的なモノマーの原料調達が可能になり、ポリプラグループにおけるLCP事業基盤の強化が期待されています。

Energy saving and Environmental Efforts at Expansion Plants in Taiwan 台湾の増設プラントで取り組む省エネ・環境への取り組み

Taiwan has stricter emission regulations than Japan, and environmentally friendly plant operations are required. In the new plant, impurities contained in the exhaust gas generated by manufacturing are removed by installing specialized equipment. In addition, efforts to save energy are also being made. Producing LCP requires a large amount of nitrogen, and the facilities that generate nitrogen require a large amount of electricity. The new plant incorporates facilities to reduce the amount of nitrogen used. Furthermore, we are aiming to introduce equipment that removes impurities contained in nitrogen through filters and recycles them after production. This will lead to the reduction of electricity necessary to generate nitrogen.

The new Taiwan plant which will begin operations in 2024 becomes an important manufacturing base for Polyplastics, We hope that this article will give you an opportunity to have an interest in the background of growing demand for LCP and the establishment of a joint venture in raw material procurement. Going forward, we will continue to deliver unique information to P-Mates readers.



Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!