Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

Furry Buddy

As the COVID-19 happen most of us spend more time at home, to see on the bright side I have more time with my dog, his name is Coco and it’s a British Golden Retriever. My family adopt him in March 2011 when he was 1 month old. Although he’s 9 years old and categorized as an old dog, he still acts like he’s a puppy! It’s silly but a stress release as well because he’s cute. Unfortunately early this year Coco passed away and he will always be my favorite furry friend.

Iga PErmatasari
Sales and Marketing

My Miracle CoCo2

CoCo 2 is a doppelganger of her sister CoCo 1. Their fur color and behavior are exactly same. CoCo1 died together with twin -ChiChi. So only ChuChu left.
We were out of home for a week when they had accidentally trapped under a pail. I was crying day and night, feeling guilty,blaming myself of not remove out the pail from their playground area.
I pray to the god, so the mother will give birth to kittens with same colors again. After few months, CoCo2 was born. But the mother almost died of delivery complication. CoCo2 had been abandoned by her mother as she is sick and still got two kittens unborn inside. So we sent the mother to clinic and take care CoCo2 for 3 days. Finally, the mother recovered and we let CoCo2 reunite with her mother! They live healthy and happily ever after!

Nor Hafieza Zamri

My two sweet cats Matteo & Nelly

My cats are Matteo and Nelly. They were 3 months old when they came to me and were very curious about their new home. They have become completely family members. They wake me up the morning and want food and water. After work, the two wants to be entertained. In the evening, I was rewarded when both want to be petted. The two argue among themselves sometimes and wants to find out who is the strongest. Usually Nelly wins because she is bigger than Matteo.
They are also intelligent, they open doors by themselves and get everywhere, even to their locked treats.

Kevin Weber

My Best Friends

My dogs, Koba and Roo, are not only my best friends but they are very bonded with each other. We often take adventures in nature together and have road tripped many times. They love adventures and traveling but also snuggling.

Jolene Kijorski


My daughter decided to name him Appa the moment he was born, taken from a fictional character from The Avatar. Being shy he is, it may take him a while to warm up to strangers. Most guests that came over were fascinated by his habit, sticking his tongue out. We first thought it was a medical condition until the doctor revealed that he’s only doing it for attention. So why is he called thoughtless? Another weird habit that he has is staring at someone or nothing at all. As my daughter once said, “There’s no thought behind those eyes”

Muhammad Nor Ismail
Human resourced administration 

Homeoffice equipment

My home office is really equipped. Not only do I have a laptop, internet phone system, a printer and screen. I have a “Pixie” – a very special document shredder for discarded paper and my mailman, Pelle, brought me a USB port so that everything is connected.

Marianne Hjortnaes
Supply Chain


In my garden

We have no pets at home, but the home office allows to look the garden even during the day. On this occasion, I could see that also squirrels take it with the hygiene during Covid-19 exactly. I have it photographed as it has cleaned his paws.

Anne-Meike Schauwienold


The disturbancer

What the human being considers comfortable is far from being so for the animal. My cat Jack likes to make himself comfortable on my file storage. And when he thinks I’ve done enough work, he sometimes lies down directly on my arm. But perhaps he just wants to get me to go into the kitchen and give him a treat.

Thomas Anthes
Supply Chain


Road Trip

Not only humans are happy to be able to travel again after the pandemic, our cat Rudi is already testing here how a road trip on a motorcycle might feel like.

Gerhard Reuschel
Marketing & Sales


My Lovely Mappy Girl

Mappy has been my pet for the last 13 years, she is a Beagle female, her name is inspired in the word “mapache” (raccoon) because when she was a puppy, she resembled one. She is a very smart and active girl; even now that she is a senior, she loves taking walks, and greets people and other dogs loudly, she also likes taking naps outdoors in her bed or at the living room sofa. I hope she does not miss a lot when we go back to regular office routine. But meanwhile I will enjoy having her around all day.

Sandra Rivera
Corporate Support

Mi gatita “NARITA” (My kitty “NARITA” )

NARITA arrived our house on Sep 24th of 2020. We named her “NARITA” after Japan´s principal international airport, because the mommy cat´s name is “TOKYO”, (one of my friend‘s cat)
It´s our first time to have pet, so it was challenging at the first, but she is very loving, a little bit spoiled, sometimes dramatic specially with veterinary (and makes me embarrassed!!). But each moment we enjoy her company, and she became one of our family members!

Natsuki Hayashi
Corporate Support


This is Pelusa she is half Cocker half French poodle. When they gave it to us, she was so small. she fit a shoe box. She is old now. And she has been with us for 13 years. His Dad was a dog that worked at a circus. I hope Pelusa stays with us some years more.

Ismael Gonzalez
Administration / Corporate Support


My pets

I have several pets; a Chihuahua named La Chihuahua … she came to us Christmas eve 5 years ago when she ran away from her home because of the firework. She is a very cute dog; she always welcomes us smiling. I also have another schnauzer named Lilly, a black cat named Jinks, a grey cat named Fausto, a white and black cat named Mirruña and we had another dog that passed away some months ago named Bombón, and was part of our family for 15 years.

Gerardo Sandoval


“Yogui Bear” in my parents’ house

My parents have small & cute dog. His name is “Yogui” (His name comes from a cartoon “Yogi Bear”), He is not as big as a bear, but he looks like one. He loves take rides in the car and have walks in the park, but he does not get along with other dogs, he is not so friendly. He loves to be stroked and sleep in your lap and he is not scared about humans, if you can feed him, you can be his friend.
Every time that I visit my parents house, He always welcome you jumping as high as he can, waiting to be rewarded.

Ernesto Archundia


Roco Galahad

His name was Roco Galahad, he was a Belgian Malinois.
My niece and nephew each chose a name, which he went by depending on who you´d ask. Nevertheless, most of the time he was called many other suitable names (most related to his outstanding canine beauty traits). He very recently passed away; however, he was my eldest sister’s family most delightful, cheerful, and handsome member for 10 years and throughout the COVID pandemic (so far).
He was rescue, his breed and unknown past made him quite a challenge at first and an overwhelming success after a decent among of training, a dash of help from an ethologist, considerable constant exercise, and unsurmountable amounts of love.
In this picture, he was one on of his early morning long runs, most enthusiastically coaching my niece.

Haydee Villasenor

Copito (Snowflake) & Chloe

These are my 2 lovely dogs!
They completely stole my heart since day one. Chloe is now 7, and Copito is a bit older, around 10 years old, but their soul is so young. They travel with us everywhere, from the beach, to hiking, to camping, and they just have never given up us. Without a doubt, we have enjoyed their company 24/7 with all this pandemic going on for more than a year now. I think it will be hard for them once we go back to the office, but we should get used to going back to normal activities at last!

Paola Rodríguez
Supply Chain

“Omochi” adoring

He is two and a half years old. He asks me to play when I work at home. Shake and touch my hand are his specialty. I like to see him dancing on a towel. Usually, he eats typical cat food, but he shakes my hand when I feed him salt-free mackerel sometimes. Watching the bathwater run out is part of his routine. I’m so happy that the stay home allows me to spend more time with him.

Kaori Kubo
General Administration

Beetle babies are now part of the Polypla Family!!

Recently, I got a beetle larva from my friends. My wife loves this beetle more than my children. I am looking forward to the beetle becoming an adult in this summer.

So Kagawa
Finance & Accounting

Kangaroo dog

This is Poron, a dog owned by my husband’s mother. It seems that everywhere I go, I put it in this bag and go out together. It’s like a kangaroo baby. When it’s in this bag, Poron doesn’t bark quietly, so it looks like a stuffed animal.

Kotomi maehara
Marketing Development Department

Greece tortoise “Kamekichi”

Weight / Body Length: 2kg/25cm
Favorite food: Dandelion leaves and corn
Speciality: Hide and seek and to escape from his house
Sometimes he fails to get over the steps and turn over. I can relax that I see him yawning and eating. And then I’m surprised because he sometimes makes an adorable sound.

Katsuki Yoshida
Directer of General Administration

Furry Buddy

As the COVID-19 happen most of us spend more time at home, to see on the bright side I have more time with my dog, his name is Coco and it’s a British Golden Retriever. My family adopt him in March 2011 when he was 1 month old. Although he’s 9 years old and categorized as an old dog, he still acts like he’s a puppy! It’s silly but a stress release as well because he’s cute. Unfortunately early this year Coco passed away and he will always be my favorite furry friend.

Iga PErmatasari
Sales and Marketing

My Miracle CoCo2

CoCo 2 is a doppelganger of her sister CoCo 1. Their fur color and behavior are exactly same. CoCo1 died together with twin -ChiChi. So only ChuChu left.
We were out of home for a week when they had accidentally trapped under a pail. I was crying day and night, feeling guilty,blaming myself of not remove out the pail from their playground area.
I pray to the god, so the mother will give birth to kittens with same colors again. After few months, CoCo2 was born. But the mother almost died of delivery complication. CoCo2 had been abandoned by her mother as she is sick and still got two kittens unborn inside. So we sent the mother to clinic and take care CoCo2 for 3 days. Finally, the mother recovered and we let CoCo2 reunite with her mother! They live healthy and happily ever after!

Nor Hafieza Zamri

My two sweet cats Matteo & Nelly

My cats are Matteo and Nelly. They were 3 months old when they came to me and were very curious about their new home. They have become completely family members. They wake me up the morning and want food and water. After work, the two wants to be entertained. In the evening, I was rewarded when both want to be petted. The two argue among themselves sometimes and wants to find out who is the strongest. Usually Nelly wins because she is bigger than Matteo.
They are also intelligent, they open doors by themselves and get everywhere, even to their locked treats.

Kevin Weber

My Best Friends

My dogs, Koba and Roo, are not only my best friends but they are very bonded with each other. We often take adventures in nature together and have road tripped many times. They love adventures and traveling but also snuggling.

Jolene Kijorski


My daughter decided to name him Appa the moment he was born, taken from a fictional character from The Avatar. Being shy he is, it may take him a while to warm up to strangers. Most guests that came over were fascinated by his habit, sticking his tongue out. We first thought it was a medical condition until the doctor revealed that he’s only doing it for attention. So why is he called thoughtless? Another weird habit that he has is staring at someone or nothing at all. As my daughter once said, “There’s no thought behind those eyes”

Muhammad Nor Ismail
Human resourced administration 

Homeoffice equipment

My home office is really equipped. Not only do I have a laptop, internet phone system, a printer and screen. I have a “Pixie” – a very special document shredder for discarded paper and my mailman, Pelle, brought me a USB port so that everything is connected.

Marianne Hjortnaes
Supply Chain


In my garden

We have no pets at home, but the home office allows to look the garden even during the day. On this occasion, I could see that also squirrels take it with the hygiene during Covid-19 exactly. I have it photographed as it has cleaned his paws.

Anne-Meike Schauwienold


The disturbancer

What the human being considers comfortable is far from being so for the animal. My cat Jack likes to make himself comfortable on my file storage. And when he thinks I’ve done enough work, he sometimes lies down directly on my arm. But perhaps he just wants to get me to go into the kitchen and give him a treat.

Thomas Anthes
Supply Chain


Road Trip

Not only humans are happy to be able to travel again after the pandemic, our cat Rudi is already testing here how a road trip on a motorcycle might feel like.

Gerhard Reuschel
Marketing & Sales


My Lovely Mappy Girl

Mappy has been my pet for the last 13 years, she is a Beagle female, her name is inspired in the word “mapache” (raccoon) because when she was a puppy, she resembled one. She is a very smart and active girl; even now that she is a senior, she loves taking walks, and greets people and other dogs loudly, she also likes taking naps outdoors in her bed or at the living room sofa. I hope she does not miss a lot when we go back to regular office routine. But meanwhile I will enjoy having her around all day.

Sandra Rivera
Corporate Support

Mi gatita “NARITA” (My kitty “NARITA” )

NARITA arrived our house on Sep 24th of 2020. We named her “NARITA” after Japan´s principal international airport, because the mommy cat´s name is “TOKYO”, (one of my friend‘s cat)
It´s our first time to have pet, so it was challenging at the first, but she is very loving, a little bit spoiled, sometimes dramatic specially with veterinary (and makes me embarrassed!!). But each moment we enjoy her company, and she became one of our family members!

Natsuki Hayashi
Corporate Support


This is Pelusa she is half Cocker half French poodle. When they gave it to us, she was so small. she fit a shoe box. She is old now. And she has been with us for 13 years. His Dad was a dog that worked at a circus. I hope Pelusa stays with us some years more.

Ismael Gonzalez
Administration / Corporate Support


My pets

I have several pets; a Chihuahua named La Chihuahua … she came to us Christmas eve 5 years ago when she ran away from her home because of the firework. She is a very cute dog; she always welcomes us smiling. I also have another schnauzer named Lilly, a black cat named Jinks, a grey cat named Fausto, a white and black cat named Mirruña and we had another dog that passed away some months ago named Bombón, and was part of our family for 15 years.

Gerardo Sandoval


“Yogui Bear” in my parents’ house

My parents have small & cute dog. His name is “Yogui” (His name comes from a cartoon “Yogi Bear”), He is not as big as a bear, but he looks like one. He loves take rides in the car and have walks in the park, but he does not get along with other dogs, he is not so friendly. He loves to be stroked and sleep in your lap and he is not scared about humans, if you can feed him, you can be his friend.
Every time that I visit my parents house, He always welcome you jumping as high as he can, waiting to be rewarded.

Ernesto Archundia


Roco Galahad

His name was Roco Galahad, he was a Belgian Malinois.
My niece and nephew each chose a name, which he went by depending on who you´d ask. Nevertheless, most of the time he was called many other suitable names (most related to his outstanding canine beauty traits). He very recently passed away; however, he was my eldest sister’s family most delightful, cheerful, and handsome member for 10 years and throughout the COVID pandemic (so far).
He was rescue, his breed and unknown past made him quite a challenge at first and an overwhelming success after a decent among of training, a dash of help from an ethologist, considerable constant exercise, and unsurmountable amounts of love.
In this picture, he was one on of his early morning long runs, most enthusiastically coaching my niece.

Haydee Villasenor

Copito (Snowflake) & Chloe

These are my 2 lovely dogs!
They completely stole my heart since day one. Chloe is now 7, and Copito is a bit older, around 10 years old, but their soul is so young. They travel with us everywhere, from the beach, to hiking, to camping, and they just have never given up us. Without a doubt, we have enjoyed their company 24/7 with all this pandemic going on for more than a year now. I think it will be hard for them once we go back to the office, but we should get used to going back to normal activities at last!

Paola Rodríguez
Supply Chain

“Omochi” adoring

He is two and a half years old. He asks me to play when I work at home. Shake and touch my hand are his specialty. I like to see him dancing on a towel. Usually, he eats typical cat food, but he shakes my hand when I feed him salt-free mackerel sometimes. Watching the bathwater run out is part of his routine. I’m so happy that the stay home allows me to spend more time with him.

Kaori Kubo
General Administration

Beetle babies are now part of the Polypla Family!!

Recently, I got a beetle larva from my friends. My wife loves this beetle more than my children. I am looking forward to the beetle becoming an adult in this summer.

So Kagawa
Finance & Accounting

Kangaroo dog

This is Poron, a dog owned by my husband’s mother. It seems that everywhere I go, I put it in this bag and go out together. It’s like a kangaroo baby. When it’s in this bag, Poron doesn’t bark quietly, so it looks like a stuffed animal.

Kotomi maehara
Marketing Development Department

Greece tortoise “Kamekichi”

Weight / Body Length: 2kg/25cm
Favorite food: Dandelion leaves and corn
Speciality: Hide and seek and to escape from his house
Sometimes he fails to get over the steps and turn over. I can relax that I see him yawning and eating. And then I’m surprised because he sometimes makes an adorable sound.

Katsuki Yoshida
Directer of General Administration

Comment from P-Mates Editorial team