Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

25 June 2020

Study and Growth via competitions! コンクールを通して従業員の学びと成長を促進!

Recently, PTM and PNL employees participated in two competitions. One is badminton, and the other is Minitab. 最近、PTMとPNLでは2つのコンクールを行いました。1つはバドミントン大会、もう1つはMinitabコンクールです。

Badminton Competition バドミントン大会

In order to cultivate strong coworker relationships and inspire employee autonomy, the PTM and PNL labor union organize various activities frequently. On May 28, a badminton competition was held at a local badminton court after work. Total 28 employees including our MD joined. They formed 14 teams to play doubles. Every team tried their best and the top three teams were awarded. Other about 35 employees went there to cheering on their colleague and play for fun. All of us had a good time. PTM/PNLの労働組合では、従業員同士の強固な関係を築き、従業員の自主性を高めるために、さまざまな活動を頻繁に実施しています。5月28日、バドミントン大会が開催され、MDを含む28名が参加し、ダブルスで戦えるように14チームが編成されました。

Minitab understanding competition Minitab 理解度コンテスト

The period from April to June is “Study months” in PTM and PNL. We carried out several study theme activities, such as “reading”, “Minitab study”. Minitab is the statistical software which can quickly analyze the regression and prepare the charts, so we can improve our work efficiency by using it. On June 2, we had a Minitab understanding competition and 15 people from each department joined it. All of them got a good score.
“Study months” will come to an end, but we will keep learning and trying new things to improve ourselves. To be GREAT-Growth!
PTMとPNLでは、4月から6月を「Study Month」とし、「読書」、「Minitab」など、いくつかのテーマで勉強・研究を行っています。Minitabは、回帰分析を迅速に行い、チャートを作成することができる統計ソフトウェアで、業務効率を向上させることができます。6月2日には、このMinitabの理解度コンテストを行いました。各部門から15名が参加し、全員が健闘しました!
「Study Month」は終わりますが、私たちは学び続け、改善し続けるために新しいことに試みます。


Written by Yi Zhang / PTM
Department : HR & admin
Work duties in charge : Admin affairs
Hobby or favorite things : Reading and travelling