Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

09 January 2020

PPC Photo News! PPC Photoニュース!

PLAMOS exhibited at the Manufacturing Partners Forum Tokyo 2019! 『ものづくりパートナーフォーラム 東京2019』にPLAMOSが出展しました!

From Nov. 7th to 8th, the “TEAM PLAMOS”, which consists of two sales persons from Daipla Corporation and the 6 members from PPC PLAMOS team, was exhibited at the “Manufacturing Partner Forum Tokyo 2019” held in Aoyama, Tokyo. 11月7月~8日、ダイプラ株式会社の営業2名とポリプラのPLAMOS 6名で構成する「TEAM PLAMOS」が、東京・青山で開催された『ものづくりパートナーフォーラム 東京2019』 に出展しました。

At this exhibition, the companies including material manufacturers who have highly difficult processing technologies and solutions that directly lead the customers to solving manufacturing issues exhibited and made the presentations about their technologies and solutions. At the venue, we introduced the first mass production of AKI-Lock (R), different material bonding technology, as well as a variety of technical proposals including proposals for product shapes optimized for molding, three-dimensional product designs, and model fabrication. 本展示会には、ものづくりの課題解決に直結する難度の高い加工技術・ソリューションを持つ素材メーカー等の企業が出展し、技術やソリューションの展示、プレゼンテーションなどが行われます。
会場では、異材量接合技術のAKI-Lock (R)初の量産採用例をはじめ、成形加工に最適な製品形状提案、3次元製品設計、モデル製作など、さまざまな技術提案力をPRしました。

Implemented “Mottainai Project”! 「もったいない大作戦」を実施しました!

Between Dec. 3th and 20th, we held the” Mottainai* Project 2019”, a goods donation event as a part of Social Contribution activities of Polyplastics, at each site in PPC.
(*Mottainai is the Japanese word used like “What a waste!”.)

This year, making use of the last year’s experience, we held the event before the year-end cleaning in which the “Mottainai” goods (meaning the goods will be thrown away although they are still clean/ works / can be used ) will be thrown away. We also greatly increased the kind of items that we collect in the event, which may helped many people to participate, and we were able to send a large number of goods to NPO (Not-for-Profit Organization)!

Thank you very much for your cooperation !!


Written by Ami Kanbe (Akutagawa) / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Painting, Traveling, Reading books (including Japanese Manga!)… etc!