Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

05 April 2023

Congratulations messages from P-Mates readers P-Mate 100号を記念したお祝いのメッセージ

Thank you so much for reading P-Mates as your favorites. P-Mates since 1998 marked its 100th vol. anniversary in the next! In commemoration of the 100th, we received a lot of congratulatory and heartwarming messages. いつもP-Matesをご愛読いただきありがとうございます。100号を記念して読者のみなさんからP-Matesへのお祝いのメッセージを募集しました。心温まるメッセージが沢山届きましたので、ぜひ最後までご覧ください。


Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!