Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

15 August 2022

Welcome to Polyplastics! Introducing our vice president, Kurosawa-san! ポリプラへようこそ!副社長にご就任された黒澤さんをご紹介します!

Kurosawa-san was appointed vice president of Polyplastics from April. We think some people at the Tokyo Head Office have heard his inaugural greetings at the beginning of the fiscal year, but most of employees are wondering what kind of person he is. Therefore, this time we interviewed him directly, and he kindly answered various questions such as his background and impression of Polyplastics. 4月からポリプラの副社長にご就任された黒澤さん。東京本社の方は年度始めの朝礼でご就任のご挨拶を聞いた方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、なかなかお会いする機会がない中で、どのような方なのか気になっている方も多いのではないでしょうか。そこで今回はご本人に直接インタビューをさせていただき、これまでのご経歴やポリプラに対する印象など様々な質問に答えていただきました!

Kurosawa-san 副社長にご就任された黒澤さん

Please tell us about your career so far これまでのご経歴について教えてください

After graduating from university, I joined Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. (current Daicel) and was assigned to the Second Sales Department of the Organic Synthesis Division. After six months of training at the Ohtake Plant, I worked at Toranomon office. However, five years later, I was transferred to the Resins Sales Department at the Osaka Head Office, where I conducted sales activities targeting molded manufacturers making lunch boxes, water bottles and other general merchandise, as well as wholesalers mainly in Higashi Osaka. In this kind of communication with customers, I learned about general-purpose resin. Five years after that, I was transferred to the Styrene Products Division. As a member of the Daicel “S” Plan (integrated manufacturing and sales of resins, sheets, food containers, and foamed polystyrene) at that time, I worked as a person in charge of sales for food containers (Temporarily I was transferred to Daicel Pack Systems) for 13 years.大学卒業後にダイセル化学工業株式会社(現:ダイセル)に入社し、有機合成事業部第二営業部に配属されました。大竹工場で半年間の研修後、虎ノ門で働いていましたが、5年後に、大阪本社の合成樹脂営業部に異動となり、弁当箱、冷水筒等の雑貨を作る成形メーカー及び東大阪を中心とした問屋さんを相手に営業活動を行っていました。こういったお客様とのコミュニケーションの中で汎用樹脂のことを肌で学びました。さらにその5年後、スチレン製品事業部に異動になりました。当時のダイセルS計画(樹脂、シート、食品容器、発泡スチロールの一貫製造・販売)の一員として13年間食品容器の販売担当者(途中ダイセルパックシステムズへ出向)として従事しました。マレー語簡体字繁体字ドイツ語

As a newcomer to the food container industry, which was said to have more than 1,000 companies at the time, we visited companies without making appointments in sales on a zero-base to reach out to end users. By the time I became the group leader, I had focused on sales activities specialized for GMS and SM, and thanks to the efforts of all the team members, we had acquired about 30% of the Japanese market share for side dish containers. In 2008, I returned to Daicel, where I had 11 years of experience in the sales of cellulose acetate, mainly TAC, which is the raw material for polarizing plate protective films for LCDs and I was appointed president of Daicel Fine Chem, Daicel Miraizu and vice president of Polyplastics.当時1,000社以上はあるといわれていた食品容器の最後発メーカーとして、ゼロベースで末端ユーザーへの飛び込み営業活動を行っておりました。その後GMS,SM向けに特化した営業活動に集中し、チーム全員の努力の甲斐もあり私がグループリーダーになる頃には、惣菜容器では全国で約3割のシェアを獲得するまでになりました。2008年ダイセルに戻り液晶用の偏光板保護フイルムの原料であるTACを中心とした酢酸セルロースの営業を11年間経験し、ダイセルファインケム、ダイセルミライズでの社長そして、この度ポリプラの副社長に任命されました。マレー語簡体字繁体字ドイツ語

It’s been about half a year since you joined Polyplastics. Did anything surprise you about Polyplastics? ポリプラに来られて驚かれたことはありますか?

I was surprised at the systematic style of Polyplastics that I didn’t have experience in the five departments at Daicel. Especially, I think that Daicel should follow this style (mission cascade) that involves detailed breakdowns of KPI to each department and employee. ダイセルでの5部門での経験にないポリプラのシステマチックなところは驚きました。特にKPIに関して各部門、個々人まで細かくブレークダウンして取り組むシステム(ミッションカスケード)はダイセルも見習うべきではないかと思っています。

How did you feel when you became the vice president of Polyplastics? ポリプラの副社長になることが決まった時のお気持ちは?

As with the past five transfers, this time was also completely unexpected, and I felt as tense as ever. Furthermore, in my 37-year career, I had almost no contact with Polyplastics, and to be honest, I was a little confused because I had almost nothing to do with Polyplastics’ products and personal connections. 今までの5回の異動と同様、今回も全く想定外のことで、今までと同じく身の引き締まる思いがありました。

Are there any experiences or initiatives you have taken at Daicel Miraizu that you would like to incorporate into Polyplastics? ダイセルミライズでのご経験やお取り組みの中で、ポリプラへ取り入れたいことはありますか?

My experience with Daicel Miraizu is short, so I can’t come up with the idea I want to incorporate to Polyplastics at this stage. However, as the first president of a company that was created through the merger of three companies in July 2020, I have the experience that I have been most focused on how to combine the corporate cultures of the three companies and draw a common ground. Looking back, even though we are in the same group, there is an invisible corporate culture, and I think that there was not enough coordinating with employees to integrate. Polyplastics and Daicel will consolidate offices at Tokyo headquarters on August 1 and conduct integrated operations. Based on this experience and reflection, I would like to provide advice on the integration of soft aspects on a case-by-case basis.ダイセルミライズでの経験は短いので、取り入れたいことは現段階ではまだ思いつきませんが、2020年7月に3社統合してできた会社の初代社長として、3社のそれぞれの社風を融合し着地点をどのように描くかということに一番注力してきたという経験はあります。振り返ると同じグループとはいえ各社各部門の目に見えない社風がある中で、一体化に向けて社員一人一人との共有化が十分ではなかった面もあったと思っています。ポリプラとダイセルも8/1にまずは東京本社での事務所統合を行い一体運営をしていくことになると思いますが、こうした経験と反省をもとに、ソフト面での融合について都度アドバイスできればと思っています。マレー語簡体字繁体字ドイツ語

What do you think is expected of you as a vice president? 副社長として期待されている役割はどういったことだとお考えですか?

It’s not expected for me to be perfect. However, I believe that it is necessary to propose synergies between Polyplastics, which is the core of the Daicel Group, and Daicel. Of course, I recognize that I also play a role in communicating the positive aspects of Polyplastics’ organizational management and high individual skills in specialized fields to Daicel and Group companies. 専門性は期待されていないと思いますが、ダイセルグループでの中核を担うポリプラとダイセルとのシナジーを率先して提言することが求められていると思っています。もちろんポリプラの組織運営ならびに専門分野での高い個人スキルなどの良い部分を、ダイセル及びグループ各社へ発信する役割も担っていると認識しています。

Lastly, please send a message to the P-Mates readers.
Every day I am amazed at the high level of skill of each member of Polyplastics. I also feel that each mission is carried out with pride. In the future, the integration of each office, including overseas offices, will proceed, but I would like you to take this opportunity to actively interact with other group employees as a member of the Daicel Group, not just appearance. I hope that getting to know each other’s way of thinking will be a good stimulus for both of us.

\We’ve also interviewed about his private topics!(^^)/
Q: Do you have experience in sports?
I belonged to the Shorinji Kempo club for four years at university.
If you are a member for four years, you will receive a black belt even if you are not good at it.

Q: What is your favorite food?
I eat anything, but if I had to say, I like the atmosphere of a charcoal-grilled yakiniku restaurant or a yakitori restaurant.

Q: What do you do on your days off?
I take walks on weekends to maintain my physical condition. Just walking is boring, so I walk for about an hour while listening to music.

Q: What is your charm point?
When I was in elementary and junior high school student, my parents were transferees, so I traveled all over Japan. So, I often became a transfer student.
I think that I can grasp the sense of distance with people as it is.
I have sales experience in other fields (especially liquid crystals and supermarkets), so if you are new to this field, I think there are many people and companies I can introduce, so please feel free to contact me.
\番外編 プライベートなお話も伺いました(^^)/





Written by Yasuyo Yanagihara / POLYPLASTICS Co., Ltd. Tokyo Head Office
Department : General Administration / CSR Group
Work duties in charge : Internal Communication, CSR
Hobby or favorite things : Swimming, Hiking, Cooking and traveling!