Let's share the happy news to encourage each other as "Polyplastics-Family"!

01 July 2019

The new employees in PPC PPCに新入社員が入社しました!

This year, 22 new young employees joined the Polyplastics-Family on April 1.
7 members were assigned to 7 R&D Division, 11 members Production Division, 1 member Sales Division, and 3 members Corporate Support Division.
At the “Ceremony for new employees” on the 1st day, they look like a little nervous, but in their self-introduction, they express the aspirations with the big voice, which gave us some impressions that they are reliable though they are fresh.
After the encouraging words from our CEO Shiwaku-san, they received the personnel notice (appointment).

After two weeks of initial training for new employees, they have the OJT (On the Job Training) and technical training at their respective locations to acquire knowledge and skills (For your reference, there is 2 courses in Japan, one is for the managerial career- track, the other one is for the general office employee. For the former, the two years of training is required).
Let’s expect the new young employees to play an active role in the future!


Written by Hiroyuki Kobayashi / PPC Fuji
Department : HR  
Work duties in charge : HR affairs: Developing relations or promoting exchanges with universities, hiring of new graduates, post-retirement re-employment and training and development
Hobby or favorite things : Travel, hot spring, eating and conversation