"Let's Make a Good Company Polyplastics-Way of Working" --Each Person Feels Happiness in Working--   /

News 1 Vol.83

This time we borrow space in P-Mates to tell you about the vision and concept that have been worked out for the Polyplastics-Way of working. Let's make a good company in which "each person feels happiness in working!"

【Vision and Concept for the Polyplastics-Way of Working】

If "work," which takes up much of the time of a person's life, is made more pleasurable and satisfying, then life will surely be more pleasurable and satisfying. If work is viewed as a component of life, then work and life are not in conflict. Mutual balancing of work and life should lead to improvement in the quality of both work and life.
Working as one member of Polyplastics, and in doing so obtain a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment by raising the quality of your work, will enrich all of your life even more. This concept is expressed by the slogan, "Each person feels happiness in working."

The vision for the Polyplastics-Way of working is "each person feels happiness in working."

  • If work, which takes up much of the time of a person's life, is made more fulfilling, it should lead to enriching all of your life even more.

  • "Each person feels happiness in working" means obtaining a large sense of accomplishment and fulfillment through working. Polyplastics aims for this way of working.

  • The company supports all employees in endeavoring to work in this way, and will move forward to build work environments and improve systems that facilitate everyone's work.

【Conceptual Diagram of the Polyplastics-Way of Working】