New Year’s Resolutions for Top of PPC Group companies /

Headline Vol.83

Happy New Year! We hope this year will bring you much success and joy. Thank you for good relationship with us. We asked the New Year’s Resolutions for Top of PPC Group companies at the opening of this year.


The future is uncertain so this is why I think it's our will that decides the future. To approach the goal of becoming the world's No.1 engineering plastics solutions provider, I want to make this a year for stating the vision for Polyplastics in the future. Even if the road isn't a smooth one, I want to aim high and move forward toward the goal of the future in order to build a good company in which we all can work with enjoyment and pride.


Speaking of production plants, of course safety comes first. For the past few years, accidents involving injury continued to occur, but last year we were able to achieve zero accidents for one year and this record has reached the 570th day. We will all work together to solidify safety conditions and achieve zero accidents for the second consecutive year.
To make after-5 time meaningful, first we must achieve work efficiency. I am currently working on a concept for a new organization. This year I want to share the image for the new organization with the employees and switch over to making it a reality. There were no shutdowns this year so it is the first year we have the chance to achieve 100,000-ton production in conjunction with the MP-2 project. We will work together to promote safe production and achieve solid results.

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S. C. Yeh-sanPTW

Aiming at PTW’s vision to become No.1 Engineering plastics provider of great China, our new year’s resolutions are as follows:
1. Adopt an efficient and effective system via PPC SCM’s assistance to deal with tight supply issues and the rapid change market.
2. Improve compounding technology and employee’s quality mindset, continually, to ensure provides higher-than-expected products and service.
3. Complete LCP line 8 expansion project safely and bring the line into commercial operation successfully to fully satisfy customer’s growing demand.
4. Enable and empower new talents for next generation so that they can take management responsibilities gradually.


Happy New Year.
PTM celebrated its 15th anniversary last year. Looking back, we watched the surprising growth of Nantong, China during this period, and were able to make unceasing efforts so that we wouldn't lose out to them.
In the new year, PTM and PNL will join together in undertaking further growth.
―追求卓越(TO BE GREAT)―


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I wish a happy New Year to all colleagues at Polyplastics Group.
To the LCPG team I express my gratitude for their great effort that made us a reliable supplier to PPC and our other costumers in 2018.
The past year was a remarkable for us. Our former MD Mr. Jähme retired after 47 years of Service for the plant. We also experienced unprecedented low rain falls in Germany that together with booming demand created challenges in securing the supply for key raw materials. Together we have been managing transformation and crisis successfully.
Our further challenges for 2019 are the expansion of capacity and to realize best in class pHBA quality continuously.
I wish everyone at Polyplastics success and progress at our common goal of becoming No.1 solution provider for engineering plastics.


Half a year has passed since I arrived at my post overseas and I've finally gotten used to life in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. But as to work, it takes all my effort to perform my tasks so I wasn't able to settle down and formulate a strategy. At the end of this year the Shenzhen office moved to a more convenient location, which is the opportunity for me to make this year a time for a fresh start in China and figure out my next move.

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Happy New Year.
This year I saw the first sunrise of the year in Singapore.
It's the first time in the 12 years I've been assigned overseas that I've taken my wife along and could spend the New Year's holiday together.
Come to think of it, we went to Singapore for our honeymoon trip 38 years ago, so it seems to me like a fortunate coincidence.
My resolution for this year is to reconstruct the business system to achieve "the ideal form of ASEAN/India."
With the motto "Have a bright outlook, never be impatient, never give up" I will leverage my experience in China and Bangkok to a large extent in undertaking the work here. It is my sincere wish that all relevant business units will cooperate in this endeavor.


Because of China's tremendous economic growth, it was a year in which days seemed to pass in an instant.
Right now we are busy preparing the FY2019 budget and allocation, and introducing CRM (Customer Relationship Management). But we are also faced with rapid economic deceleration that we have not experienced for the past several years. And so a new phase of fast-paced days is anticipated.

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This year is the 23rd year for PMT, and A-TSC has reached its 11th year. Most of our customers in Thailand are Japanese companies, so until now PPC Japan technical staffs have promoted to design specifications for resin materials. From now on development of cars and motorcycles in Thailand is expected to move forward, so we will be investing much effort in development-type marketing in Thailand in cooperation with A-TSC, just as in Japan. From hot Thailand, we'll continue to transmit hot development information.

Nishiwaki-sanPoly EU

A Happy New Year.
Poly EU was established at the end of 2012, it means 2019 will be in its 7th year.
It started from 2 people for the European market, EU has about 20% demand of global POM market and currently PolyEU has 13 colleagues.
For 2019, we plan to open technical laboratory, and new Chinese colleague will join our team.
This will make a challenge more global contribution based on “Spec In” activities.
In October, K2019 fair will be held in Germany, and we try to improve our market presence from this important event.
Business model is much different than Asia, however we respect diversity and cultural difference in Europe with keeping the Identity of Polyplastics
Although Poly EU is a small organization, I would like to appreciate all your continued support.

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Happy New Year.
I sincerely hope that all of you celebrated the New Year in good health.
Last year I was fortunate to have the great support of all of the employees at PKL, for which I am truly grateful.
This year will be even tougher, but as one employee in the Polyplastics Group I will join with all of you in a united effort to surmount any difficulties we encounter.
Moving forward, I hope for your continued guidance and encouragement.

Saito-sanPoly US

Happy new year.
In 2018 PolyUS had the integration of TAP Inc., the change of Top Management, and the operation started under this new organization. Also, the development activities so far have begun to emerge, and it seems that POM sales will finally reach more than 10,000 tons in FY2018.
In 2019, due to the personnel reinforcement by Global Rotation, we are going to further upgrade and expand development activity especially for SEPC-In through Polyplastics Way. Furthermore, we will also focus on improvement of various work quality by cooperating with group members.
I would appreciate your continued support this year, too.

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My resolutions for this year are as follows.
- Contribute to society in India with sustainable business.
- Change my consciousness from focusing on the amount of profit to focusing on the percent of profit, and make voluntary action possible.
- Penetrate and withdraw in the aim to build a desirable customer base 5 years down the road.
- Raise the company's PBT share in India from 3.0% to 5.0%.
- Make plans for substantially lowering PE (Permanent Establishment) risk and introducing a low-cost business model.
- Complete startup of a business targeting fuel injection devices for two-wheel vehicles.

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