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Family Day Activity of 25th Anniversary in PTW

By C. H. Chang Chien of QM Dept.

July 6, 2013 was a special day for all employees of PTW Dafa Plant. We hold PTW’s own 25th birthday celebration as the so-called Family Day Activity.
That day, I was very pleased and couldn’t help getting up early, then took the subway to the holding location of Family Day. Since I was one of receptionists, I stood near the elevator to play a sign conducting attendees move to the holding location. Soon after, attendees arrived at the holding location one after another.

It was time to begin Family Day show at 9am. Firstly, PTW chairman, Mr. Yeh, made an opening speech. He welcomed everyone attending this activity. Meanwhile, he introduced a short history of PTW to all attendees. After that, show started based on program immediately.

In order to increase the mood of pleasure during entire show, the host requested some couples to express their gratitude in honor of their spouse. It was a touched moment. The hot tear welled up in most people’s eyes when they expressed feeling and sang soft songs.
In addition to arise attendees’ interest, drawing lots for prizes was inserted in program. Luckily, I hit a prize! Around 30 persons were so happy as lucky winners. Continuously, four dancers cheered us up with the tone of pop song, No-body and PSY Gangnam Style.

After seeing several shows, it was time to shake body up and down together with aerobic exercises teachers. Everyone enjoyed joining aerobic exercises and raising vitality very much. Especially, Mr. M. H. Chen’s 3 year-old son was extremely cute by strongly displayed super power following up teachers’ action. Suddenly, he stood in the spotlight of the day.

Finally, a cosplay show started progressing; meanwhile, many persons took a lot of pictures based on their own hobby anywhere. The cosplay model imitated from folk-craft products, so-called puppetry, in Taiwan.
I caught the final chance to take photos together with them showed as the following photo. Right side of the cosplay shower is me. I’m C. H. Chang Chien, a member of Quality Management Department.

After 3 hours, the ending was perfect for Family Day. I’m sure it was a happy day for all attendees. Everyone must have a never forgetfulness memory. It will bring back many pleasant memories.

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