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  An August Almost Too Happy To Be True  

We’ve been going through a lot of trial and error as we seek new directions for P-Mates. How did you like this issue? The editorial team works on each issue with the aim of making it a means of enjoyment for as many of you as possible in the moments you take out from work to relax.

P-Mates is made possible with the cooperation of employees at PPC and each of our group companies who serve as reporters, and all of you. The pages of P-Mates are filled with articles written by PPC reporters and articles sent in by reporters from the group companies, and also articles that couldn’t be written without the cooperation of P-Mates readers. This last type of article depends on whether or not we can obtain your feedback, so from the viewpoint of the editorial team it’s really like walking a tightrope. As for myself, when I’m feeling vulnerable I often get uneasy and worried about it. But so far, we’ve been able to keep publishing this type of article, so I’m relieved and at the same time always very grateful to those of you who kindly cooperate with this endeavor.

Taking time out from your busy work schedules to e-mail me is pretty difficult much of the time. I often think that if my position was reversed, I don’t know to what extent I would be able to cooperate in view of all the work I have. As I prepare the articles, I often wonder to what extent I have been able to return through them the cooperation we receive from all of you who have cleared that hurdle and provide us with the needed feedback. That’s because no matter how rushed I am, your e-mail brings a smile to my face whenever I receive it. I always open and read it before anything else!

The Share photo article “The Best Shot of Your Trip” is a new type of article we’ve never done before. Thanks so much to everyone who sent in photos. I received nine e-mails and each time it was the happiest moment for me all year (it ended up being an August almost too good to be true). At times like these it always makes me feel that Polyplastics isn’t half bad! There are some really nice people in the world.

All of us on the editorial team will continue to do our best to make P-Mates a haven you can come to for a moment when you are tired out from work—a place that puts you at ease and gives you enjoyment.

P-Mates Editorial Team
Erina Endoh

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