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The Best Shot of Your Trip

In this issue we’re doing something new! We asked employees to send in photos on the theme “The best shot of your trip.”
We received so many wonderful photos—just looking at all of them put the editor in a happy mood! The photos are grouped according to the type of picture along with a comment by the person who sent in the photo. We hope you enjoy them!

What a WONDERFUL World!!

I’ve never seen such beautiful scenery as the scenery in these photos. I think such beauty and splendor was felt even more acutely by the people who were actually there.

From photographer:
I took the picture in February this year when I went to Salar de Uyuni (Uyuni salt flat) in Bolivia.
On a clear night, the glassy surface of the water reflects the starry sky so that you feel as if you are standing in outer space. That was what I was looking forward to more than anything else. Unfortunately, I went during the rainy season and didn’t get to see it. But the bad weather was a blessing in disguise because I was able to come across some very unusual scenery—it was so special that it even surprised someone I met who lived there!

From editor:
I didn’t know there was such a marvelous place as this! I’ve seen some other pictures of it and the scenes were all so beautiful.

From editor:
I heard that this photo was taken in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, which is located in Sichuan province in China. Jiuzhaigou is a valley stretching over about 50 kilometers that is thickly covered with primary forests and scattered with more than 100 lakes, marshes, and waterfalls of varying sizes. This beautiful area has been registered as a World Heritage Site. It is also well-known as a habitat for about 140 species of birds, giant pandas, and other animals whose existence is threatened. Just looking at this picture calms the heart. It certainly conveys the dynamism of China’s unique natural environment!

At Nightfall

Here are two photos taken at nightfall. Both of these lovely pictures convey warmth and nature’s mystery.

From photographer:
This is a photo from my trip to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. I clicked the shutter at the moment this gorgeous sunset emerged.

From editor:
Are those your children in the picture? What a wonderful memory it must be!


From photographer:
Evening glow at 4,718 meters above sea level, Namtso, Tibet, 9:00 PM.
After 12 hours journey from Shigatse, I felt hungry and tired. Not intending to take a rest, I walked towards the Holy Lake. One hour later, it was getting dark. I was disappointed and turned away. Just at that moment…

From editor:
It looks like there’s a path in the lake where everyone has come to a standstill. The picture shows the lake when it is getting dark, but the scene is so powerful because it has the appearance of being enveloped by sunlight and clouds.

With a happy smile

Here are some photos of not only the scenery but lots of smiling faces, too. It made me happy just to look at them.

From photographer:
I had her sit on the asphalt beside the railroad tracks, but right away she started squirming around because it was so hot. So I spread out my jackets on the asphalt to sit on, and I was able to take this picture. This is the best shot I’ve taken this year!!

From editor:
The smile on the kid’s face is delightful! The Sky Tree is so tall that people have a tough time getting all of it into their commemorative photos. I was surprised at how beautifully it has been captured in this picture. I think it will be a great memory for the family in the years to come.

From photographer:
A picture of Nagisa Driveway in Ishikawa Prefecture. This is the only place in Japan where you can drive on the sand along the shoreline.
Because there’s sandy soil underneath, I couldn’t put down the kickstand on my motorcycle, so I asked a couple who had come by car to take this picture.

From editor:
That’s a pretty spiffy motorcycle! I’ve always wished I could have one. The photographer sent in two pictures; the bottom picture is a view of Nagisa Driveway looking from the driver’s seat. In the distance you can see other motorcyclists. It looks like lots of fun!

From photographer:
A photo taken when I went to the Taj Mahal in India. This isn’t a collage.

From editor:
When I got to work in the morning and started looking at photos that had been sent in, this is the one that was the most fun to look at that day. The photographer says he bought this costume at the bazaar and had one of the local guys who was there take the picture. The beauty of the Taj Mahal goes without saying; but the height of that jump and that smiling face make this such a great picture!


Just relax…

One of the effects of going on a trip is that you can get away from your busy life for a while and just relax. If possible, leave your watch behind and travel light...

From photographer :
This is a snapshot taken when I traveled to the region of Provence in France last year in September. There were reclining chairs in the hotel’s garden. The picture shows me relaxing in the shade of the olive trees. It would have been chic if I had been absorbed in composing poetry in such a lovely setting, but actually I was working on the record of my travel expenses. ^ ^ ;
The air was clear and crisp and it was quiet and peaceful, which made the time I spent in the garden very relaxing.

From editor:
You can really sense from this picture the leisurely relaxed mood of the traveler. He looks like he feels really good! I found myself imagining how nice it would be to take a nap there!

As I received the photos from everyone and asked them about the anecdotes that went with the photos, I began to want to go on a trip of my own. I was so glad that all of you took time from your busy work schedules to send e-mail in reply to my questions.
Thanks very much to everyone for your cooperation!

P-Mates Editorial Team
Erina Endoh

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