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Valentine's Day Celebration At PAPS

Since PAPS started operations in November 1997, our staff had never celebrated Valentine's Day. This year, we decided to hold a small party to honour this event on 13 February, the eve of Valentine's Day. Although Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide as the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other, sending cards, flowers or candy, but we just took the opportunity to gather and renew the close friendship and camaradie among the staff of PAPS. Of course not all members were able to participate in this event. It is because their boyfriends and girlfriends, or husbands and wives, had already booked a candle-light dinner for them many weeks in advance!

The party was held in our Conference Room. Members of the 'organizing committee' had creatively decorated the room with simple props and items that they could lay their hands on from our office pantry. Amazingly, what used to be our conference room where countless serious business matters had been discussed was turned into a relaxing, warm, cosy and romantic place. The ambience was perfect. Coupled with the beautiful Singapore skyline that we could view from our twenty-fifth floor office, it was time to fill our hungry stomachs. Food-wise, we had a wide spread from local favorites to Japanese as well as Italian food. Wine was also served and all this while, soft romantic music was played in the background.

The highlight of the night was when all the staff members had to take turn and draw lots after which they had to present a stalk of rose to another staff member of his choice. The person he or she gave the rose to must be of the opposite sex. Attached to each stalk of the rose was a small card bearing a Valentine's Day message written by one of us. Mochizuki-san, who happened to be on a business trip to PAPS, joined in our party. And it was believed this was the first time that he had ever received a rose from a lady on Valentine's Day in his entire life!

When the time approaches midnight, we awaited in anticipation for the clock to strike twelve. Thereafter, shouts and greetings of Happy Valentine's Day were echoed throughout the room. It was truly an enjoyable and memorable night.

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