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 Organic food

PPC >> Shikuwasha
PAP >> Ban of Fast food and Junk Food advertisement
PAPS >> Organic food
PCL >> Lingzhi
PTSL >> Nuts, healthy foods in winter
PTW >> NuoLiGuo
PMT >> Vegetarian foods for your good health
PTM >> The most familiar three species
  Shikuwasha [PPC]

Being a big fan of health foods, I am currently hooked on shikuwasha juice. The shikuwasha is a member of the "mikan" mandarin orange family from northern Okinawa, and is noted for being extremely sour in taste.
While I am well aware that fruits are good for the body, I've never had a custom of eating them on a regular basis. If there is fruit on the table, I tended to have some, with that being about the extent of my consumption.
The main reasons for this are: (1) Eating fruit is a rather bothersome process; and (2) I am not fond of sour or tart foods. Perhaps due to this mild aversion to fruit, I have always been prone to catch colds and also tend to easily develop canker sores in my mouth.
Perhaps because of that, my attention was drawn to shikuwasha juice. The first time I bought it without much thought, figuring that it was probably good for my health. More recently, though, I make it point to have a glass everyday, figuring that this juice has medicinal purposes for me. Since the taste really is sour, the key point for me is to swig it down all at once.

Thanks to this perseverance, I haven't caught even one cold this year so far. Besides that, rumor has it that this juice is also effective for dieting.
The one problem, however, is the hefty price - two to three times that of normal juice. So I'm going to stick with shikuwasha for the time being, as long as my juice budget holds out!

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  Ban of Fast food and Junk Food advertisement [PAP]

Eating healthy foods is one of the greatest ways you can live healthy and combat developing a disease. Some diseases are genetic and there's not much you can do about that. But others like Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke and High Cholesterol and might be prevented with the proper diet.

These are questions we have to ask ourselves... because after all we already know all the benefits of eating healthy foods. We have read it in books, seen it on TV, and been told by our friends.

The problem is we have become too accustomed to our lifestyle. It's easy to order a take away by just phone call or to ignore the exercise by brisk walk for half an hour daily and why walk when driving is so much easier?

It's a shocking news that there are 10 Millions Malaysian are Overweight. No wonder why Malaysian Government tries to ban Fast food and Junk Food advertisement. It's a vicious cycle and one we seem to be passing on to the next generation. Why is McDonald is more widely recognized amongst children than a few Malaysian Prime Ministers?

If we want our children to grow up and lead a healthy life we're going to have to set the example first.

There are many benefits of eating healthy foods, among them:

Longer life - Research has proven those who eat less saturated fats, less sugar intake, avoid processed foods, live a longer and healthier life, and are less prone to illnesses and disease.
Happiness - There's no doubt when you eat healthy food you'll suffer less from those terrible ups and downs that make us moody.
Vitality - Healthy eating along with exercise will give you a lot of energy and make you feel good.
Great Skin - Everything we put into our bodies is reflected in our skin, hair, nails, teeth, and face. The way we age is partly due to genetics but it's also due to our lifestyle choices. Healthy eating is our miracle cure for feel good, look good and feel young.
Loose Weight - Rarely you will see that people eat healthy food and exercises regularly overweight.

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 Organic food [PAPS]

Since the start of the healthy living campaign in Singapore, Singaporeans are turning to healthy food for a change. Specifically, organic food has become very popular in Singapore. Organic food is a healthy way of eating as they are grown without the addition of harmful pesticides. Supermarkets in Singapore, like Fairprice and Cold Storage are increasingly selling organic vegetables and fruits to consumers who are looking for a healthier lifestyle. Some supermarkets also have posters which promote organic food which serve to educate the public on the benefits of this type of food. In addition, with the introduction of organic food into supermarkets, there have been influxes of organic-themed restaurants in Singapore where only organic food is served on their menu. These restaurants prepare food which is entirely organically grown and the ingredients used to prepare the food are also organic. However, as the food is organically grown, the methods used to grow the food are also more sophisticated so it costs more. As such, people would have to pay a higher price for organic food sold in supermarkets and for food sold in the organic restaurants.

In the US, organic food has become the diet of consumers and they are believed to strengthen one's immune system as they are free from chemicals and other unorthodox ways of handling food. In fact, beef can also be organic as long as it comes from cows which are fed with food that are made naturally, without the inclusion of innards of other animals. As such, the introduction of organic food into Singapore by the government and other focus groups shows that organic food has been recognized as one which ensures healthy eating. Therefore, all of us should work towards a healthier lifestyle by consuming organic food although the higher prices of organic food might be a trade off.

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  Lingzhi [PCL]

Lingzhi, termed " herb of the gods ", has historically been valued in China as the most precious and most coveted medicine. Its medicinal properties were first mentioned in the oldest Chinese Herbal " Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing ". Six types of Lingzhi were mentioned, each possessing different curing effect. Modern science rationalizes the traditional use of Lingzhi.

Wild natural Lingzhi is very rare and very valuable. Legend and literature had said that it would revive the dead and immortalize human. It was a herb so precious that it was reserved only for the emperors. The wild Lingzhi were found only in the virgin forests in the high mountains where accessibility was almost impossible. With the advent of modern transportation the availability of wild Lingzhi had become possible. Cultivation of one type of Lingzhi, the Red Lingzhi, has also been made possible. Thus, in the past thirty years, Lingzhi has become the most widely researched herb in China.
To be ranked as superior, a herb must have healing power with no side effects. Lingzhi has both these qualities. Lingzhi was said to strengthen the heart, provide energy, improve memory, restore health, promote blood circulation, improve complexion and lead to longevity.
Nowadays, Lingzhi promoting healthy will undoubtedly and it become more widely accepted in the western part of the world.

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 Nuts, healthy foods in winter [PTSL]

What is nut? Normally, people regard all the plants' seeds which have hard shells as nuts. Actually, nuts are the ovary of flowerers and angiosperms. In our daily life, we often eat nuts to keep our health, especially in winter, including peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine seeds and beechnuts. Different nuts may have different nutritional elements and efficacies. Hereinafter, I'll introduce some of them in details.
First of all, let's look at peanut. In some area, it is also called as "ChangShengGuo", which means if people always eat peanuts, he or she will never grow old. Of course, it is just an old folk saying, but we can recognize its value in the nutrition and medical aspect. Peanut has substantive protein which can be easily assimilated by our bodies. Besides that, it also has abundant fat, vitamin and several mineral elements, such as calcium, phosphorus and etc. It possesses curative effect in coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and other heart and blood vessel diseases.

As for hazelnut, it enjoys the fame as "the king of nuts". It contains plentiful lipid, protein, sugar, carotene, vitamin B1, B2 and E as well as 8 kinds of amino acid which are essential to our bodies. In treating cancers and diabetes mellitus, it can also play an important role.

Almond can be divided into 2 categories, sweet almond and bitter almond. The former can restrain and cure cough and asthma, while the latter is beneficial to our lungs. The polyphenols and vitamin C contained in it can reduce the content of cholesterol in our bodies and decrease the risk of heart and chronic diseases and the vitamin E can accelerate the microcirculation of skin so as to keep the skin florid and lustrous.

All these nuts have their side effects if we eat too much of them. So we must pay attention to this and bring their efficacies into full play.

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 NuoLiGuo [PTW]

The original text of NuoLiGuo is "Non". It is a Rubiaceae plant of one pair of cotyledons; it's a kind of small-scale blooming bush, the scientific name is "Morinda".
In French Polynesia (Tahiti), India, people use nuoliguo over 2,000 years, it has to be quite medical effect, just like aloe, seaweed, papaya etc., and it has already proved that should improve a lot of different health conditions.

In recent years, the rumor that nuoliguo has magical effect has been discussed warmly. Someone says it can treat the diabetes, can have the blood pressure, pain steadily, and help to reduce weight, give up smoking and coffee, and even prevent the cancer. It makes into capsule, juice, soap, body care products, even for rent. You can buy it from market, cosmeceutical store, Internet etc.

At present, a lot of have not been registered with relevant products of nuoliguo to Taiwan National Health Administration. So, I have never tried and have not wanted to act as the white mouse either. I think that only good for the health, even if water can be regarded as the healthy food.

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 Vegetarian foods for your good health [PMT]

Besides of exercises, some of Thai people takes care themselves by having "Vegetarian foods" or "Bio-organic foods". Many concerns of consuming meat and oil caused the increasing of seriously illness such as; cancer, heart disease and etc. Eating fibers such as; vegetables, fruits and cereals, would help protecting you from illness. It has been very popular since 5 years..

Vegetarian food is a meal that rejects any meat; there are 3 styles of them.
1) only vegetables and fruits
2) vegetables, fruits and milk
3) vegetables, fruits, milk and eggs

Many people may think that vegetarian people receive not enough nutrient ingredient especially Protein. By eating any kinds of bean and drinking milk, vegetarian could get enough nutrients. Not only being without toxic from meat and oil but also doing enough exercises, vegetarian people is always healthy.

Bio-organic food is also a food that consists of any kinds of bean and some seafood such as; soybean, green bean, sesame, fish, shrimp and crab. Bio-organic food avoids putting the oil in as an ingredient because it is containing fat. This food is always cooked as natural flavors. Bio-organism people also reject any meat, coconut milk, milk, egg, and sugar. Bio-organic food divides into 4 groups of nutrient.
1) Rice: Flour, provide 50% of carbohydrate, vitamin, and mineral.
2) Vegetable: To consume 25 % of vegetable which half of fresh vegetables and boil vegetables.
3) Bean: To get protein as a main that is soybean, green bean, bean curd.
4) Others: Fruits, any kinds of seeds such as; sunflower, pumpkin and sesame.

These kinds of food are widely available at "Yaowarad" market, "Sunday" market, Jumlong Restaurant at Tops, and fresh market as a raw material and ready meal. Nowadays, it is very convenient to have vegetarian or Bio-organic foods. And of course, it's good for your health.

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  The most familiar three species [PTM]

More and more people believe that daily meal and our health are highly related, it has held a worldwide attention. In my memory, there are so many healthy foods in China, below is the most familiar three species widely eaten in our daily life.

The product has an unusual round square appearance and tender and thick fleshy part. It contains rich nutrients, such as vegetable protein, edible fibre, amino acids, such trace elements as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, C. According to the traditional Chinese medical theory, medicine, drugs and foods have the same origin, and according to the modern preventive medicine, the product has the action of promoting the peristalsis of stomach and intestine, helping digestion, preventing and curing cardiovascular disease and cancers. It is really an extraordinary flower in the garden of health foods. Often taking it will benefit the health, as enhancing the appetite, lowing the fat, lowing the blood pressure and helping digest. So it is an ideal healthy food necessary for the daily life of families, and it is a nice gift for guests.

Hickory nut
"Small walnut", is one of three special products It is the highest on nutrition content and the most delicious in 17 hickory species in the world. Hickory nut is a natural green food and one of the best tasty nut varieties in China, which grows in natural condition of favorable climate, fertile soil and flourishing vegetation.
The flesh of nut contains 7.8-9.6% proteins, 25% amino acids (7 kinds of amino acids are essential in human), and 22 mineral elements (rich content of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron that are important to human body). It has very high value of nutrition, and contributes to moisten the lungs, strengthen kidney function, reduce blood fat, and prevent coronary heart disease.
The cooking oil from hickory nut is elegant in smell and it looks like sesame oil. The function of this kind of oil is good for lungs and nourish yin, which contains less rate of acid and high rate of iodine. Its oilcan, subsonic acid and unsaturation fattyacid reach 88%-96% of whole component, which is much more than oil of tea seed and famous olive oil. Because the oil of hickory nut contains little saturation fatty acid, this cooking oil is easy to be digested and absorbed. Also, it has a certain function of preventing coronary heart and anti-cancer.

Chinese shiitake mushrooms
It grows in natural environment. Farmers fell down some species of trees in the forest in autumn and winter and make a series of technical treatment. After one year of natural culture under snow and frost, the logs will grow brown tender shiitake mushrooms of peculiar fragrance and flavor.
Shiitake mushroom contains multiple nutrition. Such as rich protein, amino acids, trace element and dietary fiber that are indispensable for human health. Lentinan can produce the action of curing and preventing tumour. Shiitake mushroom is a kind of natural green health food of no fat, high content of protein and rich nutrition.

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