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The 2007 Technical Salon in Tokyo
The 2007 Technical Salon in Tokyo, hosted by Unit 2 of the Japan Sales Department, was held at our Tokyo head office on February 22 to high acclaim.

The Technical Salon is a sales promotion event that concentrates only on business segments and items.

Attendance to the 2007 Technical Salon in Tokyo was restricted to connector users, and it was used as a platform to introduce the new grade matrix related to our VECTRA®, FREQTIS® and Non-Halogen XFR (non-halogen flame-retardant PBT "XFR series") products, and stimulate an awareness of new needs in our clients.

The Salon consisted of three main sessions made up of the following Oral Sessions, Poster Sessions and Exhibition Sessions.

(1) Oral Sessions
These sessions included presentations from our Research and Development Division through to technical subjects, and introduced the direction in which Polyplastics development is heading, including details on narrow pitch/low height, SMT temperature increases and new environment control. Also, in addition to providing information of development concepts and material performances, these sessions also used actual examples of molding to provide presentations on LCP connector molding, involving details on LCP troubleshooting that takes material characteristics capable of getting the best possible performance out of the material through stable molding.

(2) Poster Sessions
These sessions introduced our line-up of VECTRA® materials that simultaneously satisfy all demands for high levels of heat-resistance and fluidity and low levels of malformation, and provided suggestions for selecting the best material to match up with the shape of the connector, as well as introducing examples of our investigations into the distinctive differences between LCP injection patterns in order to improve the CAE fluidity analysis accuracy of thin molded products with the use of LCP.

(3) Exhibition Sessions
In addition to introducing the characteristics of the cyclic olefin copolymer TOPAS®, which as a COC resin contains superior optical properties, heat-resistance properties, electrical properties and molding properties, and the new grades, these sessions also exhibited samples of the Polyplastics products used in various industries.

All staff members wore the same blue jackets to relay a sense of sameness during the event on that day, and the results of a survey on the 54 people in attendance from 26 companies that use connectors indicated that the overall sense of satisfaction reached a high 96%.
The main benefit gained from this event was the intimate levels of communication that enabled us to speak to our users about technical topics on a face-to-face basic. Evidence to support this was provided by the fact that decisions were made on the spot for us to hold technical seminars at our users' premises.

Coming directly on the heels of the sales event hosted by the Osaka office in 2005 and the Innovation Room event hosted by the Nagoya office in 2006, the 2007 Technical Salon in Tokyo allowed us to confirm that it is possible for each sales office to hold its own sales promotional events. Following on from this success, we now hope to hold a similar sales event that targets users outside of the field of electrical parts in the future.

And, straying from the subject slightly, the holding of this Salon was also highly acclaimed within the company by our own employees, leading us to believe that it also contributed greatly to providing motivation for our workforce in their daily activities.

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