New MD: Mr. Takumi Saito /

COLUMN PolyUS Vol.81

-First of all, please tell us about your career briefly. 

Apr. 1991 Joined Polyplastics Worked in the TSC new materials group in charge of PPS technical service, and later worked in the structural analysis group
Sep. 1993 In charge of overseas sales in Taiwan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand
Dec. 1998 In charge of non-Japanese customer development at PCL, primarily in Hong Kong
Dec. 1999 Moved to the team that established PTSL, in charge of sales to Japanese customers in East China in Hebei province
Apr. 2005 Worked at Tokyo headquarters in charge of sales to automotive and device manufacturers (now Department 1)
Jun. 2012 Moved to PSL as manager of GCH development in charge of developing and providing guidance to non-Japanese customers
Apr. 2015 Worked further on company management as the managing director of PSL/PTSL
May 2015 Moved to Poly USA

-Now, please answer the following quick questions in one or a few words:

Tell us about your hobbies. Travel, movies, Golf (but I'm not good at it)
What is your favorite food? It's hard to choose one. If I can choose three they would be the following. Guangzhou-style shark fin cooked in its original shape, abalone steak, and squid stewed in tomato cream broth that my wife cooks
Describe yourself in a word. Easygoing
What is your favorite sport? Soccer (as a spectator) Golf (as a player)
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Red wine Especially Italian red wines Barbaresco and Barolo.
If you could spend a day with any celebrity, who would it be? Doraemon (Japan’a anime character, cat-shaped robot)
What is the very first thing you did after you moved to the new country? I haven't moved to the U.S. yet, but as soon as I do I'll be going to Mexico on business for a week, so I'll probably be busy getting ready for that trip (this is as of May 16). Actually, I want to look for a place to live as soon as I arrive, but that will have to wait a little while.

-Lastly, we would like to ask this question:
‘What do you think is “leadership”? ‘/ ’What makes a good leader?’

What is Leadership?
I think leadership means to play the central role in coordinating the team and leading its efforts and activities, and promoting the tasks undertaken.
The Prerequisites of a Good Leader
I think a good leader needs to have a strong sense of responsibility, the ability to take decisive action, excellent planning skills, and discernment in making decisions.

To successfully coordinate the team, you need to understand the personality, skills, and abilities of each member and, based on this understanding, assign each member a role that is appropriate, and also take responsibility for the assignment. Also、a good leader needs to constantly have a clear picture of the state of the team's progress, and make course corrections as necessary when problems arise.
The leader has both the starring role and a supporting role, and also the role of encouraging the team.

-Any comments before we end?

I've spent about half of my Polyplastics life (about 12 years) in the Chinese cultural sphere. Now I'll be working in the Americas in an entirely different cultural sphere.
Even at my age, I'll be making a fresh start in a new environment and want to concentrate on learning one thing at a time.
Poly USA is still a newcomer in the Polyplastics Group, so I would like to ask everyone for your cooperation in our efforts.

Written by Mr. Takumi Saito