New MD: Mr. Takuya Akashi /


-First of all, please tell us about your career briefly. 

Aug 1962 Born in Osaka

During my time at university, I studied mechanical engineering at the faculty of textile science. At that time I also would load a tent on the back of my motorcycle and went all over Japan. Sometimes I even entered off-road races.
Apr. 1987 Joined Polyplastics
Aug. 1987 Assigned to Nagoya Branch Sales Department 2 (Automotive group)
June 1995 Tokyo headquarters in the overseas sales department
Dec. 1995 Representative office in Thailand
Established a new office, employed and instructed local employees, established a local materials production facility, provided technical support to local customers, and worked on market development, etc.

Apr. 2002 Sales Department 1 (Automotive, Tokyo)
Feb. 2005 PTSL, at the time I was the only Japanese salesman and in charge of handling Japanese customers in East China in Hebei province

Apr. 2010 Nagoya branch
Apr. 2017 Tokyo headquarters
May 2018 PMT

-Now, please answer the following quick questions in one or a few words:

Tell us about your hobbies. Cooking, traveling, working on machines, and camping, which I haven’t had chances recently.

What is your favorite food? I like any kind of Thai food, and that's not just flattery
As for food ingredients, I like squid
Describe yourself in a word. Pure (but people tell me my face is scary)
What is your favorite sport? Golf (that's the only sport I can play)
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Whiskey and soda (Commonly called highball in Japan)
I don't like the taste of alcohol very much but I like getting drunk
If you could spend a day with any celebrity, who would it be? Joji Tokoro (we like similar things)
What is the very first thing you did after you moved to the new country? I looked for a good Thai restaurant

-Lastly, we would like to ask this question:
‘What do you think is “leadership”? ‘/ ’What makes a good leader?’

In the past, I sometimes didn't listen much to the opinions of the other members but led everyone in the direction I believed to be right but I reflected on my attitudes and changed my thought.
First I think it's important to put myself in the members' shoes and get a deep understanding of their environment and the content of their work. And from the perspective of that understanding, not force them in a certain direction but utilize my experience and knowledge in making suggestions, making course corrections, and giving the members a sense of responsibility and the ability to satisfactorily complete their work. I think by having the members acquire successful experiences, I will be able to guide them toward results that exceed the goals set.

-Any comments before we end?

This is the second time for me to work in Thailand. There are many members still at the company that I worked with before, which I am very glad about. In the speech I gave at my welcome party, I expressed my intention in the Thai language by saying, "I want to do my best for Thailand and the people of Thailand." I want to work on improving my proficiency in Thai to deepen communication with the staff and customers in order to contribute to business growth.

Written by Mr. Takuya Akashi