P-Mates Talk /


Happy New Year !

We've entered a new year--2016 has finally begun.
What dramas did you experience last year?

Polyplastics is entering the final year of its 3-year mid-term business plan. This is a year for putting the finishing touches on the accumulated efforts we have made over the past two years moving toward achievement of our business targets and realization of our vision for Polyplastics. Toward this end, it is vital that everyone in the Polyplastics Family approaches work with a renewed awareness that we share the common objectives of the Polyplastics business, however remote our workplaces and however different the content of our individual work duties may be. Discussing what you are having trouble with, what you don't understand, what concerns you, what you believe needs to be improved...being open about communicating what you truly think and feel and what you notice in the course of your work has the power to make changes that will move the company in an even better direction. Trust your team members and supervisors to be receptive to taking a second look at work-related matters with the aim of doing things even better and more effectively. And we'll be waiting to hear your frank views and impressions on the content of P-mates--please let us know the kinds of articles you would like to see in P-mates and things you'd like us to find out about and report on. Our door is always open.

It's up to each of us to make our company an interesting and enjoyable place to work!
With this wish, we'd like to wind up this issue of P-mates. Our wish for every member of the Polyplastics Family, wherever you are in the world, is that you may experience much happiness this year!

We hope you'll be looking forward to the next issue!

P-mates editors.