Annual Dinner for Y2014 /

Topics PTSL,PSL Vol.68

On January 23, our company held the annual party for the celebration of the past fruitful 2014 and for the coming New Year 2015. Recently the film called “For youth” is very popular in China. Most people‘s biggest dream is to stay young forever, so in order to commemorate the youth, the theme of annual dinner has become “For youth”. In this dinner party, everyone wore a white shirt and a red scarf!

HR&GA Dept. prepared “For youth” related games such as tongue twister,kick the shuttlecock and so on. The most impressive game was “six pairs” (man and woman), which men feed women foods and women feed men milk with bottle, the fastest pair won the game. Of course,two new staffs sang a song to activate the atmosphere when we were eating and drinking. The last but not the least was lucky draw, which is different from last year that winning percentage was high this year and most of employees won the prize.

Perhaps it’s because as we get older we look back on that period of adulthood as the height of freedom and autonomy. As moving into the middle age, we often look back and wish that we could have made better choices and taken more opportunities. But we think the most important thing is cherishing now, living in the present moment.