Environment of PolyUS Office /

Topics PolyUS Vol.68

New York, California and Las Vegas….maybe these are the states come up to your mind when you hear The United States of America….?
We are in Michigan State which has very comfortable summer and severe winter, it is just wonderful if you come here in summer time, I guarantee you will have it!

We are surrounded by a lot of nature, our office is located right in front of a pond, it is small but healing. We are very fortunate to have the view and it has a little path around the pond, it is refreshing to take a walk for our lunch break. What I like the most is the Gazebo there! I take my lunch and eat there!

Sometimes we find geese families, when they are babies they are so cute!

You might be able to find a big turtle after a big storm if you are lucky.

I found the pictures to share with you. Look at the turtle! He is huge, compare to the 25cm sandal. He must be living very long time. We call him God of the pond.

Does anyone know what kind of turtle it is? We wonder if he really belongs in Michigan because it gets -25℃ with snow in winter. I don’t know much about reptile, but can they survive in the cold weather like here…?

I can just keep going and going, but I would like to save more stories for the next time….Now you have a little bit of idea what our office is surrounded by and how nice in the summer and cold it can get in winter.