Birthday Celebrations in the United States /

COLUMN PolyUS Vol.68

Birthdays are celebrated more for the children than for the adults, unless it is a milestone birthday such as 21, 30, 40 or 50.

At the children’s parties they have balloons and streamers are hung up and lots of friends are invited to the party. There are always presents, cakes and ice cream. The birthday person has a cake topped with candles; one for each year and they must try to blow them out in one breath. If successful their secret wish will come true. Sometimes the person having the birthday can choose what they want to do: bowling, swimming, arcades, amusement parks, camping trips and so on. Generally each guest is expected to bring a wrapped gift for the child and a birthday card.

Child’s (twins) birthday with cakes

Singing "Happy Birthday to You" has also been a long-standing tradition on birthdays as well. It was written by two American sisters in 1893, and has been translated into several languages around the world. In the United States a sweet sixteen party is held for the girls to celebrate their sixteen birthday and their coming of age. The symbol for the sweet sixteen party is sugar. A sweet sixteen, like a wedding, can be extremely formal, casual, or semi-formal. Sweet sixteens can range from modest parties at home with close family to large affairs with a hired DJ, makeup, hair stylists, yachts, expensive gowns and dresses, and hotel ballrooms.

Children with birthday presents