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PAP Safety Day 2013

With the objective of promoting safety awareness, Safety & Health Department of PAP organized the Safety & Health Day on October 30, 2013. Human Resources & General Administration Department also contributed to this event, by making an arrangement for the place of event and confirmation of outside exhibitors, and coordinating with Kuantan General Hospital for the blood donation.

Several events were conducted during the whole day starting with official opening of the event by Assistant Managing Director, Mr. Sim Ah Siang. Various government bodies were invited to conduct exhibition and presentation. Department of Occupational Safety & Health exhibited the law’s requirement and example of compliance for the industries; we had the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) given an advice regarding the rights of the employee and the function of SOCSO.

Blood donation campaign was also held and the response was very good from all levels of PAP staff and contractors. In total 84 people donated their blood to be kept in the blood bank at Kuantan General Hospital. Health talk was conducted by Dr. Ronald Ujjal Leo from Department of Safety & Health with the topic of cardiovascular failure and the need to avoid smoking habit.

This event helped everyone to generate safety mind and health consciousness. We believe the benefit to PAP in the long term will be much greater.

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