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16th PMT's Anniversary

Every year on October 10 is PMT's anniversary and this is the 16th year. We had activities in the morning to respect House of spirit of the building and then went to donate money to Pakkret's Babies Home.

At 9 o'clock all staffs went to respect House of spirit with candle, incense and garland. The sacrificial offerings were fruits, tea, water and sparkling water. Thai people believe that House of spirit is a custodian of our house or building. If we give and take care them in good, they will look after and protect us from bad things. After that, management and the representative of each department went to Pakkret's Babies Home which patronize children aged from 0–6. These children are all orphan, who came from poor families, their parents have mental illness or left them at hospitals or public places. Now the total number of children is about 313. In case of their ages over than 6 years old, they will send to other foundation in order to get higher education.

On that day, PMT provided lunch for the children and donated money to Pakkret's Babies Home in amount of 20,000 Baht. This kind of activity is a part of social contribution. So we felt very happy, as we have a chance to help others.

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