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Private Show at Tata Motors

As this was first experience for PMI, we were very excited & with a full of energy to make this event a success. We inspired from Japan Innovation show. However as this was the first time for us, we prepared it on a small scale.

Details of Private Show was as follows;
Date: - 16.10.2012,
Venue: - Tata Motor Ancillary Development Department Seminar Hall

First, we started with presentations for Tata motor people. Then we had free discussion with them. We started at 1:30 PM & ended at 5:30 PM.

Around 20 people joined this Private Show from Tata Motors. They already knew DURACON ® (POM) brand, and are using for many applications. They suggested conducting more seminars to part supplier as they use or specify most of parts for Tata Motors.

Some developments about metal replacement of engine pulley were discussed, and we need to take some action plan for this to check critical requirement for converting from metal to plastics.

We learnt many things from preparation of this show. We have scope to improve this to more attractive for customers in the next year.

Finally PMI wants to express great appreciation to ASEAN TSC & Fuji TSC for their valuable support to make this show good.

Introduction of S.H Oh

Hi! My name is of S.H Oh, I had studied at PSB academy in Business Administration. My characteristics are friendly, cheerful and frank. During my free time I like to find friend for chatting and watch drama and play game. I joined Polyplastics Asia Pacific Singapore Pte. Ltd. in September 2012 and my position is a customer support representative in the logistics department. My colleagues are helpful and patient for me. I'm glad to be part of this big family.


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