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The Polyplastics Group Award (first half year of 2012)

The Polyplastics Group Award for the first half year of 2012 was announced on the Polyplastics Group Bulletin Board on October 31. The award winners are as follows.

The Polyplastics Group Award (first half year of 2012)

Gold Award



Corporate Planning Department
*Current : TAP

Makoto Nakajima

Contribution to overseas business development

New Business Searching Office, Business
Strategies Department

Hiromichi Chisoku

Legal Department

Sonoko Kawasumi

Human Resources Department

Yohhei Iizuka

Shilver Award



Research and Development Center

Kohsuke Maruyama

Development of Duranex 457EV for plug of EV

Technical Solution Center

Harunobu Ohsuka

Technical Solution Center

Yukihiko Kageyama

New quantitative analysis of methylol triazine compounds

Technical Solution Center

Hiroaki Akutsu

Technical Solution Center

Saori Yamamoto

Technical Solution Center

Takashi Fujita

Development of fuel-cell vehicle parts

Production Planning Group, Logistic Center

Takanori Yagi

To achieve the cost down by research of rationalized logistics

[Tokyo]Order Fulfilment Center, Logistic Center

Satoshi Nakayama

[Nagoya]Order Fulfilment Center, Logistic Center

Kiyoko Katoh

[Nagoya]Order Fulfilment Center, Logistic Center

Naoko Suzuki

Polymer Group, Production Department, Fuji Plant

Keisuke Suzuki

The countermeasure for bad smell of LCP Plant

Polymer Group,Production Department,Fuji Plan
* Current : Safety and Environment Department, Fuji Plant

Hiroshi Yoneyama

Technical Solution Center

Harunobu Ohsuka

Development of the home fuel cell accumulation plumbing parts

Technical Solution Center

Akira Okada

Technical Solution Center

Akihiro Mochizuki

Unit 2, Japan Sales Headquarters

Toshio Terazono

Production, PTM

Shi Changmei

Energy saving in the first half year of 2012

Production, PTM

Ma Xiaohua

Congratulations to the winners! Mr. Xiaohua Ma and Mr. Changmei Shi of PTW Production Dept. won the Silver Award for their energy-saving activities in the first half year of 2012. They commented on the activities they implemented and their future.

Mr. Xiaohua Ma Mr. Changmei Shi

Energy Saving Activities in PTM

In the past several years, PTM made continuous improvement efforts to minimize operational cost and maximize product volume. At the beginning of this year, PTM set task force projects. Focusing on minimize operational cost, two projects were developed; one was "Energy Saving" and the other one was "Product Volume Maximization".

The project of "Energy Saving" was mainly focusing on the electricity saving and steam saving. PTM carried out three main activities to save the electricity consumption, which included installing new small air compressor, making new plan for catalyst loading in formaldehyde unit and power saving in non-production area. Especially in the activities of power saving in non-production area led by E section, each department/section showed excellent teamwork. Everybody shared his/her experience and idea to save the electricity. And the electricity saving achieved 93kWh/t compared with budget in first half of this year. In the steam saving activities, the major activity was focusing on the increase of formaldehyde concentration to reduce the steam consumption. But higher concentration of formaldehyde will easily result in plugging, so we need to keep the balance of cost reduction and stable operation. At the same time, we tried to optimize the operation, such as minimizing the fluctuation of operation rate & process parameters, eliminating the leakage on site, etc. As a matter of fact, all operation had been stable via gingerly adjustment and the steam usage achieved 5.98t/t and 0.34t/t steam saving compared with budget in first half of this year.

The purpose of the project "Product Volume Maximization" is to achieve yearly product volume at least 65,000 tons. The major activities involve 3 aspects of time efficiency maximization, feed rate maximization and operation stabilization. In first half of 2012, PTM innovatively optimized Die purge process and cleaning process in TOX condenser system. At the same time, we standardized quick responce rule for maintenance, to minimize the down time. And, PTM continuously challenged and successfully tested maximum feed rate of each grade after evaluating equipment capacity and quality risk. Furthermore, PTM developed training and certification system to have developed qualified skill of each team member to ensure skillful and good execution. With the excellent teamwork and innovative hard efforts by production team and E&M team, PTM achieved 95.6% time efficiency which was 3.8% increase compared with 2011.

Following "Polyplastics-Family" concept and practicing excellent team work, these two projects made great success. PTM created historical best operation record and achieved energy cost saving of 4,300tRMB in 1st half of this year.

In the future, PTM will continue energy saving related these projects with excellent teamwork and "Polyplastics-Family" & "Polyplastics-Way", to create new operation record.


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