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PMT’s staff ordained a priest

On the date 18 June’11, Mr. Rewet was ordained a priest at Benchamaborphit Temple. For Buddhism, all men who are 20 years of age will ordain for parents which they will receive a merit as Buddhism belief.

There is indemnification ceremony before ordained a priest, the purpose is for the ordination has concentrate, mentally clean and cherish in Buddhism. Materials for ceremony are following.

  1. Candle 11 pieces; one piece for holy water, one piece put on the top of rice offering and three pieces put on each candle pad which has 3 pads.
  2. Rice offering that has three or five level.
  3. Wood for rice offering 3 pieces.
  4. Banana leaf to cover rice offering 3 pieces and cloth to cover rice offering
  5. One boiled egg put on rice offering, White & Red boiled sweet and Sacrifice.
  6. One coconut, Banana, Betel 7 pieces, bowl for rice and powder

Indemnification ceremony start from Brahmin prays a psalm and educates all things before ordained a priest. Next ceremony is removed hair by parent and senior relative. Mr. Rewat became to Naga (before a priest) in white cloth. After that the parade of Naga walked around Buddhist monastery for 3 times, shower coins in order to donate some money and went to Buddhist monastery to be ordained a priest.

Parade of Naga

Shower coins

This is a part of Thai traditional for men who are Buddhist. It shows the good thing that all children will remunerate their parent when they become to adult.

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