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New Top Executives of Polyplastics Group Companies

As part of the personnel changes that was carried out on March 31 this year, five of our group companies have new top executives. The appointment of two local staff members, each serving as the Chairman and the President of PTW, is the first time ever in our Group.
The new executives have prepared messages especially for P-Mates readers. We hope you will enjoy reading the messages, which include interesting episodes in connection with when they joined Polyplastics or in their respective overseas companies as well as their hobbies.

Mr. S.C. Yeh, Chairman of PTW

1. Message to Polyplastics Group Members
It's my honor that company offers me the opportunity to be the Chairman of PTW at its toughest timing. I sincerely appreciate if all of you can provide with the helps to make my wishes come true. Those wishes are described as follows:

1) To survive the economic downturn resulting from global financial crisis.
2) To maintain good relationship with the communities near Ta-Fa Plant.
3) To meet the expectations of the stakeholders.
4) To maintain current leading position of engineering plastics technology in Taiwan.
5) To create a happy and efficient workplace environment to employees.

Fortunately, we have strong support from mother companies, many skillful staffs who have been fostered in the Polyplastics culture, and many management systems that have been well-developed for the company here as well. I firmly believe that we will overcome all the challenges.

Admittedly, the last one among above wishes is a special one to PTW employees internally. My efforts for it are:
1) To respect individual capability and care what they actually need.
2) To delegate if possible and empower if necessary.
3) To encourage employees to do jobs with result-oriented way, and face the adverse circumstances with positive thinking.

2. Profile
[Career History]
August 1989: Joined Polyplastics Taiwan Co., Ltd. Appointed as Pol/Fin Section Manager of Production Dept.
July 1997: Appointed as Department Manager, Production Dept.
December 2000: Appointed as Deputy Plant Manager & Production Dept. Manager, Ta-Fa Plant.
November 2007: Appointed as Plant Manager, Ta-Fa Plant.
March 2009: Appointed as Chairman of PTW.

[Interesting Episode in Polyplastics Group]
What is my best memory in PTW? Without doubt, it should be the experiences of the operation training at Fuji Plant in 1990 when I just joined the company. Along with enjoying the view of Mt. Fuji, I was riding the bicycle from dormitory to the plant in the morning. In Fuji plant, many capable trainers with open-minded, respectful and patient manners were assigned to conduct the training course for us. They did a great job, not only overcame the language barrier, but also taught us a lot of skills from basic theory to operational tips. With the skills, we have made PTW a very successful initial start up and the subsequent production operation.

Travel and golf

Mr. Frank Chen, President of PTW

1. Message to Polyplastics Group Members
Polyplastics is a leading company of engineering plastics, and Taiwanese customers have very good image of Polyplastics quality, technology and development capability, after service, etc. And we had good result over years, so we hope to continue to enhance our service capacity in all of the fields-development, delivery, technical support to meet customers' more and stricter request. No doubt "customer satisfaction" is always our first priority.

We have a very strong and efficient team here. I have full confidence that each of our colleagues can work independently, think and act on their own initiative to be an outstanding employee of the company.

Also, we hope every employee to be proud to work with Polyplastics and constantly to contribute to society and enjoy their life with family when they stay with Polyplastics.

2. Profile
[Career History]
January 1990: Joined Polyplastics Taiwan Co., Ltd.
April 1992: Appointed as Section Manager of Distribution Section.
March 1996: Appointed as Department Manager of Sales Department.
July 1997: Appointed as Division Manager of Marketing & Sales Division.
March 2009: Appointed as President of PTW.

[Interesting Episode in Polyplastics Group]
It has been 19 years since I joined the company. Actually, I enjoyed very much working with very nice colleagues. Every thing happened here is always a good memory.

In 1992, because of a joke, I was appointed to handle delivery work, at that time, Ta-Fa plant just started production, and I didn't have any experience to do it even outside contractors. At the beginning, it was very much a headache, we received many phone calls complaining about delayed or wrong shipment, but after we learned the actual status, and communicated with contractors and made efforts, it was improved gradually and finally we can promise customers "two hours delivery" for the urgent request for the customers in North Taiwan. It was a very deep memory for my team members and I.

Reading and listen music is my hobbies now, that can make me feel better and relaxed after work.

As for sports, I used to play basketball and baseball at school, but now, I just watch the TV live matches especially NBA and MLB. Meanwhile, riding bicycle is very popular in Taiwan now, I have a nice bicycle, so recently, I very enjoy and spend more time to do it on holidays.

Mr. Tomoaki Tanaka, Chairman of PSL, PTSL, and Chairman and Managing Director of PCL

1. Message to Polyplastics Group Members
To ride out the economic crisis, it will be essential to expand our sales in Greater China area. To do that, we must promote an integrated business style of the accumulated experiences in Polyplastics' business and the regional business culture. In order to become a truly global company, I would like to further appoint the right person in the right place. I also believe that it is important to enhance the communications between the local members and Japanese staff and between companies and branches. To accomplish this, I would like to create as many opportunities as possible to talk with everyone directly.
With the motto of "Be strict at work, but keep cheerful workplace, and enjoy time off at one's best," I will work together with everyone toward the goal of making our company the No. 1 engineering plastics manufacturer in Greater China.

2. Profile
[Career History]
April 1988: Joined Polyplastics. Assigned to the Tokai Branch of the Nagoya Sales Office (now the Nagoya Branch Office).
March 2002: Unit Manager of Sales Unit 1 in the Sales Department.
April 2006: Department Manager of the Sales Planning Department.
April 2007: Assistant Deputy of Sales and Marketing Division. Also, appointed as Managing Director of PSL.
March 2009: Executive officer. Deputy of Sales and Marketing Division and General Manager of Greater China Sales Headquarters of PPC, Chairman of PSL, PTSL, and Chairman and Managing Director of PCL.

[Interesting Episode in Polyplastics Group]
I started life at Polyplastics at the Tokai Branch in Hamamatsu which is now closed. The office building was a prefabricated two-story structure. Besides the Branch manager, there were three men and a woman working there; the working atmosphere was very friendly. It was a very small office and most of the time I was able to have direct contact with people from the Fuji Plant, the R&D division, and other business units. The experience of working there has turned out to be of great use in my work at Polyplastics since then.

I like to hold amusing events. The older I get the quicker each year seems to go by, but if I participate in events regularly, somehow time doesn't seem to pass so quickly. I voluntarily organized some clubs at Polyplastics' headquarters in Tokyo such as tennis club and a gourmet club for people who like to try out good restaurants.

Mr. Noriyuki Taki, Managing Director of PSL and PTSL

1. Message to Polyplastics Group Members
In the very severe business environment, I would like to push forward to consolidate Polyplastics' position in China. To do this, we must gain our customers' understanding for Polyplastics' quality products and services. As we work along with the China TSC, we will aim to differentiate the company from our competitors. To achieve this aim, the cooperation of all the staff members is essential. I would like to work on creating an even more open and friendly atmosphere within the company and get more and more comments and ideas from the members. My desire is to make PSL and PTSL into companies that all the members can be proud of and feel affection for. I hope I can get support from all of you.

The person in the far left is Mr. Taki.

2. Profile
[Career History]
April 1987: Joined Polyplastics. Assigned to the Osaka Sales Department (now the Osaka Branch Office).
October 1995: Transferred to the Malaysia Representative Office in the Overseas Sales Department. Worked on the establishment of PAP.
October 1998: Returned to Japan. Appointed as Section Manager of the Overseas Sales Department.
April 2001: Transferred to the Sales Department. Appointed as Managing Director of PTSL in April 2007.
March 2009: Serves concurrently as Managing Director of PTSL and PSL.

[Interesting Episode in Polyplastics Group]
There is nothing more interesting than a language barrier. I would often get a reaction that didn't match what I meant to say. In Malaysia, for example, I was in a restaurant and said, "Bill, please," and they would bring me a beer. Chinese language is even harder to pronounce, so I often make the same kind of small mistakes. It can usually be laughed off. But the biggest shock for me was the time when I went to the barber. I intended to say "just cut it a little (or trim it)," but the barber understood the meaning as "cut it short," so he really lopped it off. I'll never forget the contrast of my astonished expression and the barber's face brimming with confidence for a job well done. This is the time when I rediscover the importance of mutual communication everyday.

I don't have any particular hobbies, but I enjoy spending time with my dog since it's very relaxing. Thanks to the proficiency of my barber, I now have the same hair style as my dog.

Mr. Tsugio Tenda, President of PTM

1. Message to Polyplastics Group Members
I think the most important task in the business depression we are in will be to ensure the employees' jobs. At the same time, we need to be a profit center that generates profits. I perceive my task as keeping a good balance in achieving both of these aims. Fortunately, we have excellent local and Japanese staffs; with their cooperation, I will do my best so that we are able to accomplish our goals.
With the leading-edge technology, I believe the PTM products will have the potential to become the highest quality products in the PPC Group. Making this a reality will surely lead to higher motivation of PTM members.
As my personal aims, I would like to learn to speak Chinese and try to understand the Chinese culture and the way of thinking.

2. Profile
[Career History]
April 1991: Joined Polyplastics. Assigned to the Process Technology Department (now the Technology Innovation Center).
December 1991: Transferred to the First Manufacturing Department (now the Polymer Group in the Production Department). Dispatched to Hoechst AG from November 1994 to November 1996.
November 1999: Transferred to the Process Technology Center.
October 2003: Appointed as Section Manager of the Polymer Group in the Production Department.
February 2009: Transferred to PTM.
March 2009: Appointed as President of PTM.

[Interesting Episode in Polyplastics Group]
When I was working at Hoechst, I traveled all the time. Even the Germans, who love to travel, were surprised at how much I traveled. That was a wonderful period in my life.
When I was at the Process Technology Center, much of my work involved countermeasures for troubles. A lot of efforts and not much success, but I got really absorbed in the work. Looking back, I realize that it was an enjoyable time.
What stands out about the period when I was manager of the Polymer Group was all the work I had to do. I was just so busy all the time.

I enjoy playing golf and watching DVDs.

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