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Chinaplas 2008

The Chinaplas 2008 trade show was held in Shanghai, China from the 17th to 20th of April, 2008.
Chinaplas is the largest exhibition for plastics and rubber industries in Asia and ranks third in the industry worldwide, following the K-Plastics & Rubber Exhibition in Germany and the NPE Exhibition in the United States.
The PPC Group has participated in the event since 1995. We take part not only to advertise our company, but also to put our marketing strategies into action. Indeed, Chinaplas plays a vital role for PPC! About 1,000 visitors dropped by our booth at this year's event, and our staffers had the opportunity to meet about 300 potential customers.

Saga Zhao from PSL had the following comments to offer!

The four-day session of the Chinaplas 08 Exhibition came to a successful close on April 20. I thrilled and surprised to have been chosen as the coordinator for the show. I had no expectation of being handed such an important role. After all, I have only been with Poly Plastics for about a year. I've participated in several similar activities before, but I've never had experience as an organizer and coordinator.

Every member of the preparatory team had lots of work to handle. Even with the six months set aside for the preparations, the actual time at our disposal was limited. Our earnestness and patience were vitally important for efficiency. It was a pleasure to learn so much from the experienced and knowledgeable seniors I worked with. I was delighted by praises and encouragements from colleagues in the profession, and I was very proud to be part of the preparatory team.

Another exciting achievement: visitors chose our company's advertisement as the first runner-up in the Best Advertising Award 2008. Please see the PCL Topics for details!

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