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New CEO Visit PTW

In this February, we have experienced the successive biting cold coupled with intermittent rains throughout the Lunar New Year. Make us wistful for warm weather. On Feb 19, three gentlemen's visit, Messrs. Komura, Goto and Brock, warmed the cockles of our heart. They begot bustling atmosphere to PTW Taipei office in early chilly spring.

At that day, Mr. Komura sentimentally addressed the farewell speech to PTW employees in the beginning. He encouraged and inspired PTW employees to take challenges with caution to go through all possible difficult situations in the future. Then he introduced us the coming CEO, Mr. N. Goto, who was experienced and excellent technical professional and believed that he is adequate to work and could keep everything of business on track as usual.

Mr. N. Goto modestly said he is a newcomer need to learn more. We were impressed by his all smiles and mild gesture. We expect to have a great success and flourishing under Mr. Goto's new top management team.

Finally, Mr. Brock gave greatest compliments to PTW that PTW has become the benchmark in Polyplastics group and showed bright sales revenues over years. He wished the prosperous future for both companies' further cooperation.

Then, we presented a Taiwanese earthenware pot as a farewell gift to Mr. Komura. From Yingge, the pottery capital of Taiwan, the pot displays not only the exquisite masterpiece created with wind stoves, clay and glazes but also the subtle aspect of Taiwanese Culture. PTW hope to make a good impression on Mr. Komura by presenting the beauty of Taiwanese earthenware, which expresses our sincere appreciation to his remarkable efforts and supports.

A visit would not complete without taking photos. All PTW Taipei staffs cheerfully took photos with honored personages to remain this unforgettable moment in our memories.



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