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  Editor's Note for Vol. 40  

P-Mates was first issued in May 1998, and now it is already the 40th volume. The early issues were pamphlets printed in two colors. However, starting from Vol. 19 in January 2003, it has been changed to the current web version.

Browsing past issues tells us afresh of how much the Polyplastics Group has grown.
When P-Mates started in 1998, our POM manufacturing plant was established and its groundbreaking ceremony was held. In July 2001, Polyplastics Trading (Shanghai) Ltd. (PTSL) was founded. In July 2003, Nantong Plant was founded and we had its groundbreaking ceremony. In 2006, Polyplastics purchased the TOPAS business and started the new COC resin sales. In December 2007, the Technical Solution Center (TSC) was founded in Shanghai, China.
When we look back upon the past decade, there has been a lot of changes indeed!

P-Mates also enabled us to learn the customs and cultures of the countries where Group Companies are located.
In Vol. 40, the current edition, the column "Traditional fast food in your country" covers very interesting articles. Other issues in the past have covered unique physical exercises (Vol. 24), festivals (Vol. 26), and recommended organic foods (Vol. 36) of various countries.

P-Mates is full of efforts and spirits of reporters from the Group Companies in various countries. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all of the past and present reporters. Thank you very much!

I was transferred to the General Administration Dept. in June 2007 and have served as the chief editor since Vol. 38 issued in October 2007. I have received supports from many people while editing P-Mates. I will do my best with the aim of making P-Mates to be more cherished by all of the Group Companies' employees. A renewal is now underway as we plan for the 10th anniversary next year.
It would be most pleasing if I could gain your continued support for P-Mates.

Kaori Jindai
Chief Editor of P-mates

From the left, Mr. Yokoi, Mr. Abe and myself, the former
and current P-Mate Chief Editors

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