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Senior Adviser Dr. Akira Hasegawa awarded the fellowship by the Society of Polymer Science, Japan
Dr. Akira Hasegawa, senior adviser to our company, was awarded a fellowship by the Society of Polymer Science, Japan. His job related especially to polymer synthesis and new material development at our company, mainly in the COC group at the RDC.

A fellowship of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan is awarded to formal members of the Society who have attained a remarkable accomplishment that advances polymer chemistry and technology. It is a new award established in 2007 to recognize the recipient's accomplishments and encourage development of the leadership as a Society member, as well as their contribution to society.

Dr. Hasegawa was awarded the prize of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan in 1978. He contributed greatly to the Society in a succession of posts, namely as administrator of the Head Office of the Society, vice-head of the Kanto Branch, chairman of the Steering Committee of the Polymer Material Forum and suchlike.
Dr. Hasegawa commented that he would be more than happy if the unique TOPAS business develops smoothly and soundly and, as a result, young technologists are awarded the prize of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan in the future.

Congratulations, Dr. Hasegawa !

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Awards for POLYPLASTICS and PLAMOS advertisements


1. Awarded the Japanese Industrial Advertisement Prize "Excellent Work"
The POLYPLASTICS advertisement carried in the June 2007 issue of "Industrial Material", a specialist magazine, was awarded the Japanese Industrial Advertisement Prize "Excellent Work" sponsored by The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd.

The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. established this prize in 1966 to facilitate the sound development and improved quality of industrial advertisements. Since then, the annual prize contest has been held 42 times to date.

There are three categories in the contest: "Press", "Magazine", and "Information Magazine". Our company won the prize in the "Magazine" category.

2. Awarded NIKKEI MONOZUKURI* "Monthly Prize for Advertisements Selected by Readers in the "Good Impression" Category

The POLYPLASTICS advertisement carried in the October 2007 issue of NIKKEI MONOZUKURI was awarded the above prize (Category for Partial Advertisement)!

Typical readers comments on this advertisement were that: "It has a somewhat tender feeling. I like it."

* A NIKKEI newspaper specializing in technology information
The NIKKEI is a quality Japanese paper that specializes in the economy. MONOZUKURI literally means "manufacture". This word refers to the background of superior Japanese manufacturing industry supported by traditional Japanese craftsmanship.


Awarded NIKKEI MONOZUKURI "Monthly Prize for Advertisements Selected by Readers in the "Impact" Category

The PLAMOS advertisement carried in the November 2007 issue of NIKKEI MONOZUKURI was awarded the above prize! Our advertisements have won prizes in two successive months.

The advertisement featuring a dinosaur (T-rex) as a motif seems to have had a great impact on readers!

This advertisement received many comments from readers: "Plastics bitten by a T-rex strangely aroused sympathy in my mind," "The illustration is funny and interesting," "A great impact!" "What is it advertising? I wondered, and was interested," "There was something curious that made me think, "What the hell is it!"" etc.

Photograph of the PLAMOS advertisement [left]
Poster designed using a car [center]
Photograph of the shield presented for the award [right]
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