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Farewell Dinner for Mr. Komura and Welcoming dinner for Mr. Gotoh

Mr. Komura and Mr. Gotoh visited us in the evening of 20th February, 2008. Although they went to Hong Kong directly after visited PTW in the morning, they still looked fresh and energetic when arrived at our office.
After Mr. Komura and Mr. Gotoh have given us brief speeches at the dinner, we introduced ourselves one by one to them. However, since it is difficult for them to memorize all our names and faces within a short period of time, we have prepared an organization chart with face photos and titles to help them recognizing us. During dinner time, both CEOs were very active and talking to us with funny topics all the time while holding the charts firmly on their hands. Although Mr. Nakashima commented that Mr. Gotoh is a shy person who does not talk too much, actually we found Mr. Gotoh is very sincere and talkative, we all believe our happy days in Polyplastics will be continued through the new leadership.
The highlights of the whole night are divided into 2 sections. First of all, our staff giving toast to Mr. Komura and Mr. Gotoh one by one, it brought the atmosphere to the climax.

Secondly, our Deputy General Manager, Mr. Steve Ma, represented whole PCL staff and presented a token gift to Mr. Komura to express our heartfelt thanks to his great leading works to Polyplastics.


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