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Message from the New President and CEO

1. Opening
2. CEO's 5policies
3. Closing
4. CEO's Profile

1. Opening

As the incoming President and Chief Executive Officer, I would like to express my determination to all employees of the Polyplastics Group.

Although I may not be the right person who can handle all the responsibilities as the President and CEO, I would like to devote myself to the new duties with my utmost efforts.

To my relief, we are still able to seek advice concerning the fundamental management of the company from Mr. Komura, the former President and the CEO, who has assumed the role of Counselor. Additionally, the company has launched the new management team that consists of highly-qualified executive officers who are thoroughly experienced in their respective fields of business. It would be most pleasing for us if we could strive together with all the Polyplastics Group employees with unity through effective and timely communications.

Mr. Komura has carried out the company management with great foresight and the ability to devise logical management strategies and to execute rational company operations. As a result, the company's performance was back on a growth track which had been languishing since the collapse of the bubble economy in the 1990s. The company established production and sales bases in the strategic market of China, and added the promising COC business to the company portfolio. All of these accomplishments have laid a stable foundation for the company's future.

As the successor of Mr. Komura, I am fully aware of my responsibility to steadily protect and further develop these assets as we continue to strengthen our business in five to ten years ahead.

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2. CEO's 5policies

Now, I would like to briefly explain some of my concepts on the company management.

First, Polyplastics Group's identity is to continuously keep the social responsibility as the manufacturing and sales company of engineering plastics. This identity has been the core of the Group and there is no doubt that it will remain the same in the future. Our objective is to establish a solid No.1 position in the engineering plastics business in the Asia-Pacific region. Of course, to accomplish this, we must expand our existing business as well as explore opportunities to introduce new businesses.

Second, our goal is to achieve the development as a multinational company. This goal, which is halfway through, was set by Mr. Komura, and I would like to succeed his aspiration. The Group currently earns over 50% of our profits overseas, and the importance of the markets in China and the ASEAN countries will continue to grow. We must further learn to appreciate and respect the business cultures in the regions and establish the genuine local companies that are rooted in the respective local communities. Unless we accomplish this, we cannot remain as the No. 1 in Asia. Toward this end, it is essential for us to provide work environments that enable all employees in the Polyplastics Group to enjoy a meaningful and personally fulfilling role. Therefore, I would like to improve the organizational, personnel and management systems to provide the kind of support necessary.

Third, we need to shift to the implementation of the product-based business management. At present, it is function-based. For example, in sales and marketing, there is a "portfolio of sales/marketing" strategy which optimizes product item combinations. Also, in production, a flexible production system is taken to target overall optimization.
However, in order to accurately and swiftly cope with the rapid environmental changes and unreliable outcomes, it is indispensable to build a management system that consistently oversees the sales, research and production by each product. I do realize the gaps between the function-based and product-based matrix management system. Therefore, we would like to discuss with you to fill those gaps within a year, and build a sustainable system.

Fourth, in terms of customer-oriented management, it is inevitable to reconsider our attitudes toward customers. I would like the customers refer to Polyplastics as a reliable company rather than a great company. We must faithfully strive for customers' satisfaction or pleasure without setting limitations. Naturally, we may encounter a difficult task as to secure our profitability. In that event, we will just need to make even more efforts to resolve the problem. I believe that this will lead us to the road of innovation. Innovation is not something that can be done easily or quickly. It is only born from the accumulation of patient and steady daily efforts. As we continue to forge relationships of trust with customers, I hope they will eventually regard us as a great company.

Fifth, it is necessary to reinforce the power on-site. No matter how brilliant the management strategy proposals may be, if the on-site staffers do not have sufficient power to carry them out, the proposals would be just useless. On-site powers in sales, production, research and development as well as the corporate support division have been the greatest strength of the company thus far. My aim is to enhance this power and nurture further company growth. The constant communication between the top management and front-line employees is essential, in order to share the on-site troubles and problems as managerial tasks and reflect them into the management of the Polyplastics Group. Thus, it is very important to unite and concentrate all the on-site powers. It is not until the on-site employees form as one that the company shows its enormous power. I would like to visit the employees on-site as much as time permits.

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3. Closing

Finally, I would like to state the managerial visions and policies. Currently, the new management team is having lively discussions with mid-level managers who will be the future leaders of the company. The team is studying five- and ten-year visions with all the employees, and is planning to announce the result as the fundamental management policy by June. As I mentioned in the beginning, the whole Polyplastics Group should work together in the Group's management.

Let us hold great hopes for the future along with a constant sense of crisis, as we work together in writing a new page in the history of the company.
It would be most grateful if we could obtain cooperation from all of you.

n. goto

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4. CEO's Profile

March 1952: Born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

I come from a countryside hot spring town, Yugawara, located westernmost of Kanagawa Prefecture. Maybe because I spent my childhood in a moderate climate and nature, I grew up with a gentle personality and avoided conflict.

April 1974: Joined Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

My first assignment was the Manufacturing Department, Fuji Plant, where I was in charge of the POM polymerizing plant. The then head of the manufacturing department was Mr. Kasuga, the ex-chairman of the board of directors. He was very strict, and instilled the fundamentals of business in me.

April 1993: Appointed as Manager of Unit 1, Production Group, Fuji Plant
August 2001: Appointed as General Manager of Process Technology Center
March 2005: Appointed as Executive Officer;
Chief of Process Technology Center, Production Div.
March 2007: Appointed as Managing Executive Officer;
Dept. Manager of General Corporate Planning;
Responsible for QMS Promotion Team
September 2007: Appointed as Director
March 2008: Appointed as President and CEO

About my hobbies:
I have loved sports ever since I was a boy. I played softball at elementary school, tennis and volleyball at junior high school, and badminton at high school and college for seven years. I captained all of these teams.
I began to play golf at the age of 27, and once shot a hole-in-one.
Fishing is my other hobby. I have been so busy recently that I can't afford the time to fish, but I feel utterly content when I play my line across the water looking around the 360 degrees wide horizon and up at blue sky.

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