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Report on Overseas Trainees from PAPS, PAP and PTM
They told us about all sorts of things during the question-and-answer interview.

1. Trainee from PAPS (India)
2. Trainees from PAP
3. Trainees from PTM

1. Trainee from India

Mr. Tushar Birje

Mr. Tushar Birje from the PAPS India liaison office visited the TSC and our Head Office.
As an assistant manager for marketing, he received technological training and made a presentation about the automotive industry in India.

Q1: Could you tell us your first impression of Japan and the TSC?
A: Japan is very organized and systematic. The people are very friendly and supportive.

Q2: What would you like to learn most in the training?
A: I would like to learn more about these two.
(1) Processing of our products, e.g., DN, DX, FN, VR
(2) Applications in the automotive industry that we have developed over the years

Q3: What surprised you most about Japan?
A: The weather. In Japan, it's really cold in winter. The average annual temperature in India is 20 degrees centigrade.

Q4: What are your aspirations for the future?
A: I would like to reach a position of authority in an organization where my qualifications and experience are beneficial.

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2. Trainees from PAP

Mr. Amrul Affendi Bin Shafek
Mr. Ahmad Fadzli bin Zakaria
Ms. Tee Woon Nee (Weeny)

Mr. Amrul Affendi Bin Shafek, Mr. Ahmad Fadzli bin Zakaria, and Ms. Tee Woon Nee (Weeny) came to Japan for about three-month training. They are good friends, and often spend their time together in the Fuji city by bicycle on weekends.

Q1: What was your initial impression of the Fuji Plant?
Amrul: When I first arrived at the Fuji Plant, I was very impressed because the plant is much bigger than the Kuantan plant. There are more production lines and they also generate their own electricity for use at the plant. The staffs here are very friendly and have helped me a lot during training.

Fadzli: When I first saw the plant from outside, it did not look as though the plant was very big. But once Mr. Shohji Sanada took us on a tour of the plant, I was amazed to find how big and packed the plant was. And I was even more surprised upon first entered the compounding plant and saw how much improvement had been made. I can say that the Fuji Plant staffs have done a very good job.

Weeny: Every corner of the Fuji Plant is clean and tidy. The 5S is everywhere.
To the staffers of QC Department, I really feel thankful for everything they have done for me. Although I don't understand Japanese, it was not an obstacle for me to communicate with QC Department members.

Q2: What surprised you most about Japan?
Amrul: The view of Mt. Fuji is very beautiful. The peak is covered with snow and when the sun sets, the mountain glows with pride. Fuji is special because both the mountains and the sea are nearby.

Fadzli: I came to Japan in winter, and February is said to be the coldest month in Fuji. In Malaysia, we do not have a winter season as such. I have never experienced this condition. But, day-by-day, I've gradually managed to get used to it.

Weeny: There are probably many differences between Japan and my country. Life in Japan seems so peaceful and comfortable. Although, our most common form of transportation is bicycle, it is very dangerous to ride. On the other hand, the car drivers here in Japan follow the traffic rules and respect pedestrians and cyclists..

Q3: What did you enjoy the most in Japan?
Amrul: We went sightseeing on the weekends and I enjoyed it very much. The environment and culture is different so everything feels new. The food is great, so we spent a lot of time trying new kinds of foods. We went to the Bishamon temple daruma festival, and it was very interesting to see the night market and various food stalls. (The darumas were cute.)

Fadzli: I must say seeing Mt. Fuji, shopping and also eating tempura. I love the view of Mt. Fuji, it was very beautiful and I was very keen to climb the mountain, but unfortunately it was closed in winter. Maybe I'll climb it the next time I get a chance to come to Fuji again.

Weeny: I enjoy the Japanese food here. Although the food is quite expensive here, it is delicious, fresh and healthy - especially the seafood. I enjoy living in Japan at the moment. I like the people, the culture, the environment and the shopping centers.

Q4: What was the most important thing you learned?
Amrul: The most important thing I learned here is the working ways of the Japanese. They are very dedicated to their work. Most of the machinists here have been working more than 15 years, and that really inspires me. Punctuality is highly regarded here, and jobs are usually done smoothly. The employee's health is also important. There is also an exercise break for employees during work.

Fadzli: I was introduced to the production innovation activity that has been done here for several years. And I was very impressed to learn how the impact of this activity had affected production activities. They were able to reduce problems at the Fuji compounding plant to almost 50%. That's incredible.

Weeny: I am getting to know the people here, especially the way they work. I learned many professional technical skills from them, especially in QCD & RDC. They improved my analytical skills, especially VDA, IR, X-ray, TGA, etc., as well as teamwork and work planning.

Q5: What are your aspirations for the future?
Amrul: I would like to transfer the knowledge I gained here to the Kuantan plant. There are a lot of improved items here and new equipment. I also want to share the ideas I discovered here with my colleagues in Malaysia.

Fadzli: I would say it is to continuously improve our FPP plant in Kuantan and contribute as much as I can to the company. Training here in Fuji Plant has given me lots of new and fresh ideas in my working area and I will keep in close contact with the Fuji Plant staff to share and discuss any problems or ideas in the future.

Weeny: I hope that I can bring back and implement everything I have learned at the Fuji Plant to Malaysia. I hope that my relationships with people here are not just as colleagues, but also as friends in my life. I will miss them when I return to Malaysia, and I hope PAP will send me back to Japan so that I can see them again.

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3. Trainees from PTM

Mr. Li Rong
Mr. Huang Kaihua
Mr. Ma Zhibing

Mr. Li Rong, Mr. Huang Kaihua, and Mr. Ma Zhibing came to Japan for three-week training. Their seriousness in the actual training was impressive.

Q1: What was your initial impression of Polyplastics' Fuji plant?
Huang: The 5S management is good at the PPC plant, so it looks very clean and orderly in the site, all management is regular, and all the employees are civilized.
Li: The Fuji plant is by the sea with fresh air, and it's very clean and beautiful inside. All the Japanese we met were friendly and kind-hearted to us.
Ma: I think the Fuji plant is very clean. Almost everything is in its correct place.

Q2: What surprised you most about Japan?
Huang: There are no dustbins besides the road, yet there is no garbage scattered on the road. Everywhere in Fuji city is clean and beautiful.
Li: High speed of the highways and Shinkansen.
Ma: I was surprised at the degree of civilization and development in Japan.

Q3: What did you enjoy most in Japan?
Huang: I enjoyed seeing the beautiful Mt. Fuji.
Li: The bandwidth and speed of the Internet.
Ma: I enjoyed Japanese food the most, because it tastes delicious and is very nutritious.

Q4: What was the most important thing you learned?
Huang: I learned so much about how to judge problems and repair equipment.
Li: The serious working attitude of the Japanese.
Ma: I learned that safety mentality is most important.

Q5: What are your aspirations for the future?
Huang: I want to master comprehensive repair technology for all equipment and piping, and manage them effectively.
Li: I will try to use everything that I learned in PPC in PTM, and work together with other colleagues to make PTM the best plant for POM production.
Ma: I want to take part in more ESH activities in the future.

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