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  Hardball Baseball Glove  

The other day, I played a catch with a few Polyplastics employees along a nearby river area. We decided to play catch not with a rubber ball but with a hard ball because it was more exciting. However it is necessary to buy a hardball baseball glove to do that. So we'll start by looking for the shop where they sell hardball baseball gloves.

We can get such gloves only at sports specialty shops. So, I looked for such shops by Internet. When doing that, I was surprised to check the glove prices. The top-of-the-line models cost 50,000 yen or more - with those, incidentally, being from Mizuno, Japan's largest sporting goods producer.
Very very expensive but, I made up my mind to buy a glove made by a company named Xanax. A famous pitcher on a famous professional baseball team uses this same glove and I liked the design and shape. Being new, however, the leather is still very stiff, and it will definitely take a considerable amount of use and tender care to soften up and otherwise break in this glove.

Hirokazu Abe
General Administration Dept.

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