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Learning language

Let's take a look at how PTW staffs make an effort to study English/Japanese. Why? It's certain that they all would like to be more international, (not just for the reason that the Japanese teacher is beautiful). The classes are always full of laughter due to other colleagues' strange accent and queer word terms while speaking foreign languages. Sometimes, we also hear English songs with guitar music accompanied by the English teacher. It's bustle and funny learning atmosphere.

PTW has been providing these language courses for several years. Two-hour English and Japanese classes proceed once a week respectively. All of trainees are studying earnestly, though they have age and forget easily what have learnt. They have progressed to various degrees of success.

Polyplastics group is, simultaneously, merging ahead toward both globalization and localization. This might seem contradictory. But on closer look, we sense that expanding the market globally and locating production wherever it proves to be most competitive. With the situation change, except keep to enrich personal knowledge/skill in specific fields, how to master the second language and communicate with diversity of races among the group freely becomes very important to PTW employees. Although we feel the stress, we think lucky to be in this kind of situation.

So, next time, when you visit PTW speaking with whatever language, Ha! Ha! Ha! We can handle it easily. (But of course, it limits to basic conversation¡¡words.)

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