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Training on "Marketing Research & Planning"

On December 2 & 3, 2002, an in-house training on "Marketing Research & Planning" was arranged for PTSL sales & marketing team in the HSBC Tower office, which wrapping up the company's group training plan for Year 2002.

Given the fact that China market - abundant with huge commercial opportunity, is playing a more and more critical role to the success of PPC, and Polyplastics Nantong Project is scheduled to go on stream in April, 2005 with sales target mainly depending on PTSL sales force, the management team shares the common understanding that the sales individual's selling and marketing competence must be improved so as to support the forecast business growth.

Hence came the training arrangement for the sales team. Earlier in July, we arranged a two-days in-house training program on "Selling By Objectives", talking about the process of successful selling, how to probe customer's need, price handling, communication skill with people of different personalities, and etc.

While the "Marketing Research & Planning" program focused on situation analysis, marketing plan, factors influencing results, sales platform, probability factors, selection criteria, and etc.

We would like to share with you some snapshots taken while in the training. Hope every employee grow with POLYPLASTIC business expansion. Opportunity and Challenge never stands alone!

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