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PMT-Contribution to Society

Lunch donation at Phyathai Baby's Home

In the occasion of the 6thAnniversary of PMT's settlement on 10thOctober, all of us had performed a contribution at Phyathai Baby's Home, Bangkok on Saturday October 12th. We gathered at the place in the morning, everyone was handful with donating utensils, toys and snacks. Before lunch donation time, we visited and took care of some group under 5-years-old children who are abandoned, orphanage or home-broken. Some of us looked like "Papa" & "Mama" while they were taking care or playing with the children.

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Five Years long-service Award

In this year, there're six staffs have been working with PMT for completely 5 years, they are "Pom san", "Lek san", "Jeed san", "Su san", "Nuch san", and "Ooi san". The 5-year service award presenting and ceremony took place at "Suan Kularb" restaurant on October 12th after we had contributed to society at Phyathai Baby's Home. Also, the next year, there'll be more & more staffs join these long service awardees, we remain.

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Farewell Party and Welcome newcomer

Farewell party to Mr.Yamamoto Mr.Ishihara

After long period of time fully working with PMT, Yamamot-san had rotated back to Japan for new assignment in PPC headquarters. PMT has held a Farewell party for him on November 6th at "Anna's Cafe" restaurant with a very friendly feeling & atmosphere.

In the same time, PMT is also cheerfully welcome Ishihara-san, who was assigned from PPC to work as a Senior Manager, started in November, 2002.

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